The Donald vs. Russian President Vladimir Putin revisited

One year has passed since Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy in America's presidential election. Since that time the GOP nominee has made great strides toward achieving his goal. Against all odds and aligned against an establishment that cannot handle truth in any form, The Donald prevailed.

One year has passed since Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy in America's presidential election. Since that time the GOP nominee has made great strides toward achieving his goal. Against all odds and aligned against an establishment that cannot handle truth in any form, The Donald prevailed. He dispatched 16 opponents in winning his party's nomination. Although on appearance Trump won the primaries with ease, the facts are quite different. Behind the scenes, another story, or stories were emerging.

MSM again at the core of the plot

The MSM, as usual, were at the core of the plot to topple his run. Pitiful as they always are, the networks pulled out all the stops. Around the clock, 24/7, anchors and 'journalists' alike took turns. They piled on. Talking heads swiped at Trump whenever they were not sniveling. Donald Trump was the object of their desire. Many of the media attacks were ad hominem. Smarmy liberal rags like the New York Times and the Washington Post when it came to covering Trump reached all time journalistic lows; they branded him with the Hitler moniker. Nothing was too personal; no word was too tawdry when Trump was in the news. Without ceasing the media verbally assaults Trump every hour and each day.

To make matters worse, members of his own party turned on him. Once the RINO's realized Trump was the 'presumptive nominee' they treated as a pariah. Some went as far to form an official opposition in the Republican Party. They called themselves the 'Never Trump' movement. Even today, their traitorous faction still exists. Others, including prominent names like baby Bush, Jeb, and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney vowed to vote for the Democrat challenger. Not traitor Sanders. No. Not him. They much prefer someone more crooked. Hillary Clinton, with her many scandals, constant bouts of lying and a failed policy record that is only surpassed by Barack Obama is their choice for the Presidency. House Speaker Ryan could not agree more. He has never endorsed Trump. Said he was 'not ready'. Whatever that means....

NATO against Russia

Across the Atlantic, through the Bosporus Straits and entering the Russian Federation we find President Vladimir Putin undergoing a similar battle. He too is besieged. Aside from the one bright spot in Syria, where he out maneuvered his western 'partners' by bombing ISIS strongholds, President Putin has had to contend with Russia's own sovereignty issues; none of which were his own doing. NATO is at the fore. Not a minute elapses before the MSM reports more fables on their perceived 'Russian aggression'. One day the headline is 'NATO war games on Russia's very borders'. That is soon followed with 'breaking news'. The story aligns perfectly with America's anti-Russia propaganda: a NATO vassal state agrees to install a U.S. missile defense base. Ostensibly, the country fears an imminent ISIS attack. Problem with their explanation is that it is a faux pas. Russia is the real intended target. That vassal poodle just cannot bark; not with the U.S. short lease strangling its neck.

The Western media attacks do not stop there. When it comes to maligning President Putin and Russia the 'experts' always cry out for more blood. The U.S. Department of State which is really their War Department spearheads the charge though from behind. America's political stooges press Europe's vassal leaders to enact more economic sanctions. Like those that were imposed before because of Russia's perceived involvement in the Ukraine conflict, the latest sanctions are also illegal. Altogether those sanctions are in total violation of international law.

These matters must be addressed at the U.N. The Security Council should hear the allegations. Russia has every right to defend itself. Any decision should only be based on the facts. One significant error in perception that escapes America and its Western vassals is the fact that Crimea acceded to Russia. Contrary to their media's reporting, the peninsula was not annexed. Moreover, Crimeans since their accession dwell in peace; unlike Ukraine where the Nazi led coup leadership clamors for more war and thereby pushes the country closer to a failed state. The Minsk II accords are of no avail for peace to prevail when the one party's (Kiev) signatory was duplicitous in its intent. Kiev used the lull in fighting to rebuild its military. A fresh major offensive against the Donbass region was planned. Only a matter of time now before Kiev's hostility gets underway. Independent observers say Kiev's aggression against Donbass' civilian population has never ceased. The junta's criminals have targeted the innocent and unarmed Ethnic Russians non-stop, since day one. Where is the world's outrage?

Last year Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin despite their being oceans apart and worlds away expressed their willingness to co-operate in the future. That same sentiment exists today. Both men are strong. They are courageous leaders. Trump and Putin still speak plain truth. Maybe that is the reason why the establishment backed by the global elites wants either or both men silenced. Their respective patriots will not allow that social injustice to happen. This election season, Trump and Putin will go All---The---Way. If that were to happen, maybe the entire world could then look forward to a new direction. Give peace a chance. Now is the time....




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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey