The Chinese Go to Russia's Western Borders

Chinese delegation visited Kaliningrad

The interest in the Kaliningrad region is growing, not only in Europe but also in Asia. The delegation of the Chinese People's Society of Foreign Friendship worked in Kaliningrad during the end of the last week, headed by the vice-president of the People's Political Consultation Council of Tianjin, Mrs. Tao Sunzun.

It is the third large visit of the PRC officials to Kaliningrad this year. Amongst the members of the delegation are leading businessmen, political and administrative representatives from the two Chinese cities, Tianjin and Shenzhen. They visited a trade seaport, industrial and commercial offices. On the meeting with the administration of the region they informed about serious negotiations they had with Kaliningrad businessmen regarding cooperation development, especially in the areas of telecommunications and building materials production. PRC has a special interest in selling Chinese products from Kaliningrad further to the West. Vladimir Egorov, the regional governor, said there was a perspective project about utilizing the Trans-Siberian railway and Kaliningrad seaports for bringing the Chinese products to Europe. There is also a big potential for creating joint venture companies and developing cooperation in economics and culture.

Leonid Biryukov

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Author`s name Olga Savka