Pavel Borodin, the Russia-Belarus Union’s secretary of state currently held in a New York prison, has started to display health problems. There is a regularity: as soon a man finds himself in prison, he starts to succumb to most serious diseases. As a rule, the diseases are so serious that the person’s further imprisonment is made absolutely impossible. Edmund Pope was suffering from a rear form of cancer in a Russian prison. As for Mr. Borodin, he is believed to have been smitten with diabetes in an American prison. “It would be wrong to imagine that Mr. Borodin keeps always cheery and only plays chess and basketball,” Ivan Makushok, Mr. Borodin’s press secretary hinted today. In reality, the secretary of state is suffering from diabetes mellitus and had the other day the sugar level in his blood slumped, Mr. Makushok emphasized. Still, Mr. Borodin, who is under permanent observation of prison doctors, is said to feel fairly satisfied with the medical service provided.
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