DPRK and photo-chemical principles

The maintenance in the DPRK of the Photo-Chemical principles

The maintenance in the DPRK of the Photo-Chemical principles, as a way of resistance against the current hegemonic framework

 Rubén González and Mikel Vivanko, members of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA)

It may seem strange to relate the photochemical reaction to the hegemonic balance between the different axes of power, but this is an exercise that depends in reality on the order we give to the objects of reason, and on how the relevancies are established that identify them from the logical framework that is used. That is, the scope of the problem depends on the type of problem. In this way we can lose ourselves in a sea of problems that, if not resolved, do not transform our reason at all, or design problems to be solved to establish a new logical framework. Consequently, we can say, even considering this limited format to delve into some aspects, that we either use a logical framework to establish problems, or design problems to modify a logical framework and, as a consequence, modify the objects of reason on which our cognitive structures are based. It occurs to me to ask, as an example and more concretely, what does the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have to do in the maintenance of some photo-chemical principles? And what will these principles have to do with the current international scenario? In short, to try to relate the DPRK in the current hegemony scenario and establish a relationship between this and the second law of photo-chemistry. This may sound as confusing as the dissertation we are going to raise. Read carefully.

As there is an increase in people who are beginning to become aware of the effects of human activity on climate change, a situation very well handled by the most clever minority sectors of the Anthropocene (the scientists), we are going to say at the outset that the IPCC, a body for the consensus of nations on climate change, led by the UN, does not give one in its analysis. This is not surprising, given that the UN is a body of cognitive repression on the peoples who develop other models of rationality. As a sample, the joke of his latest report emphasized that "indigenous, local and traditional knowledge practices and systems, including the holistic vision of the community and the environment of indigenous peoples, are a key resource for adapting to climate change." We are frozen by the conclusions of the shit-eater experts [for not breaking with the cycle of thermodynamic use of systems]. Something that would with no doubt cause laughter in all the original peoples if they shared the language of these fainthearted.

First sign. In 1995 the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Rowland, Molina and Crutzen for their thesis on "the sensitivity of the ozone layer to the influence of anthropogenic emissions of certain compounds." The Academy added to the award the following statements: "... these three researchers have contributed to our salvation in the face of a global environmental problem that could have had catastrophic consequences."

To date, our imaginary can be oriented in all possible catastrophic scenarios: a hydrogen bomb, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, and for many less years, these anthropogenic chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds, as long as reason can build the possible consequences [death, hunger, destruction, poverty, home, work] for each of the causes, that is to say, of the phenomena that produce them, but does not seem to be able to guide their understanding by knowing the origins of these causes and, subsequently, the relation they maintain with the consequences, which will be reduced to the phenomenon that precedes them. This is a very frequent reductionism in academic practice. This denotes one of the main problems when the material principles that allow the development of a knowledge are not taken care of or avoided, regardless of whether they can not be explicitly demonstrated, as in the case of natural laws, but to meet a set of causal reasons already ordered by time, to which our submission provides coherence.

It seems pretty obvious to establish a principle as a result of finding a house fallen after a tornado, since it will always be the latter the origin of that new state. In case you find yourself with the same house fallen after the passage of a Hydrogen Bomb, the same logic will be established, but although the partial consequence is conserved in both cases, the natural principles that originate it are very different in each case. But what happens in the case of anthropogenic hostilities caused by the human as happens in relation to the sensitivity of the ozone layer because of our productive activity? And let's not forget, what does this have to do with the DPRK? Encouraged to analyze the causes, science invents the set of necessary principles that allow to conform and preserve the logic of consequences, since there is no observable causality. Science teases us the subjectivity to focus as animals on the logical consequences and not on the material principles that originate. And the case, knowing where we are, is that this can only be part of a script to strengthen the hegemonic imperialist construction of the monopolies of modern nations and respond to the cycles of capital that sustain them. For the moment we will say that the DPRK has chosen another way.

One of the parts of the problem that we are going to point out has to do with the second law of photochemistry, Stark-Einstein's law, which states that "for each photon of light absorbed by a chemical system, only one molecule is activated for one photochemical reaction. This is also known as the law of photo-equivalence, and was derived by Albert Einstein at a time when quantum theory of light was being developed."

This is one of the principles that allow the breaking of chemical bonds due to radiant energy or photolysis, photo-dissociation, or photo-decomposition, "the dissociation of molecules by the effect of light, and is defined as the interaction of one or more photons with one target molecule. It is one of the phenomena on which are based, among other processes, the photosynthesis."

As many of the people sensitized to the hegemonic axis believe, and sympathize with the process of knowledge about natural environments, the ozone balance in the stratosphere seems to be affected by the presence of pollutants such as chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFC), which are assumed to rise to the upper atmosphere where they catalyze the destruction of ozone more rapidly than it regenerates, thereby producing the hole in the ozone layer. It can be noted that the damage caused by each of these pollutants is a function of the ozone depletion potential.

Similarly, or in the same way, the reach of some theoretical bases come to naturalize and to finish the people, mainly white, with an inertia directed to an ecologism that narrows ever more relations with the imperialist processes of the bourgeois nations, without stopping to study, or even to consider, the signifyers of the aforementioned photo-chemical principle, it happens that the same states of liberal naturalization impede the construction of emerging cultural identities of societies that perform under their normative social control. It is possible that this event makes not to adequately understand this and many other natural principles, such as the photo-chemical already noted.

These "eco-yuppie" tendencies, developed and settled as a consequence of the processes of formation of the already mentioned modern nations, through the constitution of societies promoting the hetero-patriarcal model of growth, based on the exploitation of all thinking bodies and on the plunder of their products, delimit the knowledge base on these chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), reducing it to what we could call an unprincipled origin, to the point of ignoring its invulnerability to visible sunlight, its practically insolubility in water and its resistance to oxidation, basic assumptions to understand the consequences that can lead to trigger these compounds. It is like ignoring the existence of other bodies in a region north of the 38th parallel. But what will these bodies think?

These chlorofluorocarbon compounds and the flower-fueled scientists, appear to present surprising resistance in the lower layers of the atmosphere. However, above 29 kilometers in altitude, with 99% of all air molecules below them, they show their weaknesses, as do their dumb-bell-clerks of dumb science [Clinton-Obama] when they see a rocket of resistive atomic passengers above their radioactive heads. The simile [democrat donkey] is still joking, but little incisive about zoology [including human]; at certain altitudes, the damaging high-energy ultraviolet radiations emitted by the sun appear to directly affect the CFC molecules, breaking them down into chlorine atoms and residual fragments, but they do not seem to affect some of the bodies of such enlightened beings of reason.

It is necessary to distinguish the regional scales from the global ones, not forgetting the systematized and dependent metabolisms of each one of these scales, and the relation that is established between the different regions. The relationship between the product and the production relations is vertebral to understand that they are the lower social classes, the workers, which increase their deterioration states in all socio-sanitary indicators. These bodies are the organs that metabolize the products and the relations of production derived from this genocidal model.

The DPRK has understood the principle of resistance that must be developed by peoples, such as the one that understands the photochemical principle, and more particularly the second Stark-Einstein law that we point out at the beginning of the article. This does not yield to the insults and attacks of all other nations, which, alienated or not to the imperialist axis, are all under the umbrella of the United Nations.

Problems of scale are very significant in physical phenomena [magnitudes]. At 30 km in height, the amounts of Freon have really insignificant proportions, but the most interesting thing is that at a certain height there is no wavelength less than 290 nm, that is, there is no UV-C radiation, since it is absorbed by the oxygen that is above. UV-C radiation disappears at 40 km in height. This scale problem makes it unlikely that CFCs can be dissociated and deprived of their chlorine atom by UV-B radiation, with a wavelength greater than 290 nm, very abundant in the region, but without sufficient energy to dissociate molecules from CFC. This is not to mention another major scale problem. CFC molecules are, in relative condition, extraordinarily heavy, much heavier than air [four times more], and therefore can not be raised in the atmosphere in quantities sufficient to be detrimental. They stay here, with the workers.

The DPRK has understood perfectly what remains with us. What really hurts us. Surely for this, they know how to resist. What happens to other mortals when we dwell on the problem of environmental pollution? The commodity form penetrates in us signifying us as a process of valuing subsumed to an environment. It provides us with the necessary exchange value. It helps us to forget that we must resist despite what we historically produce in order to be able to rid ourselves of the tyranny of capital; like those bodies north of the 38th parallel.


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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey