Armenia and Russia start being a formidable military alliance

The Russian army keeps expending its military might and can threaten interests of countries, which are situated next to the NATO borders.

Agreement on the creation of a joint anti-aircraft defence system with Armenia, reinforcement of the Russian troops in this region can threaten countries of the Alliance and their Western allies, Adam Ereli, former deputy spokesman of the State Department, believes.

He noted, that Washington made no answer to Russia's deploying such powerful complexes of military power and means near Armenia, and even paid no attention to the Russian buildup of military cooperation with Iran.

Beside that, the US ponders over Russia's joining its combat capabilities with a country that borders with Turkey - a NATO member.

"Over the last six months - as Russia's war in Syria and pressure on Turkey has intensified - the flow of its arms and personnel into Armenia has escalated to include advanced Navodchik-2 and Takhion UAV drone aircrafts, Mi-24 helicopter gunships and Iskander-M ballistic missiles," Adam Ereli pointed out.

According to him, Russia prepares a new military alliance with Armenia, which is allegedly to hit unexpectedly at the interests of the US and NATO in the region.

"The growing Russian military presence in Armenia is but the latest indicator of a worrisome trend: Putin's threat to NATO and America's interests in Europe," former diplomat believes.

The military alliance of Armenia and Russia continues to strengthen, and the West cannot leave it without attention.

Ereli dreams of Moscow's dispatching its soldiers to Armenia and carrying out joint drills there in order to 'influence' three frontier states, which are important allies of the US, that is Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

"The Russian military presence in Armenia represents a dagger pointed at the heart of NATO as the Armenia-Russian alliance strengthens. But while Moscow is rattling its sabers, Washington remains silent," Adam Ereli concluded.

Pravda.Ru reported that the agreement with Armenia was signed by the Ministers of Defence of two countries in addition to a cooperation plan for Defence Ministries for the current year.

For the time being, Russia works upon the creation of Joint regional systems of anti-aircraft defence with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

A corresponding agreement was also signed with Kazakhstan in 2013. The Russian anti-aircraft defence system has been already united with Belarus.


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