6,000 Taliban And Foreign Mercenaries Captured In Kunduz

The Northern Alliance troops captured some 6,000 Taliban and foreign mercenaries near Kunduz (the administrative centre of the Kunduz province on the border with Tajikistan), second secretary of the Afghan embassy to Dushanbe Shamsulhaq Arianfar told RIA Novosti on Tuesday. The Afghan diplomat said that, having run the blockade, the Taliban were disarmed and captured by Northern Alliance Generals Abdul Rashid Dostum and Mohammed Ata in the village of Chardara not far from Kunduz. The captured Taliban were placed in filtration military camps. At present, Kunduz streets are being mopped up from separate groups of the Taliban and foreign fighters, Arianfar said. The United Nations Organisation and member-countries of the anti-terrorism coalition will determine the fate of the Taliban and foreign mercenaries placed in the filtration camps, the Afghan diplomat said. At the same time, Arianfar recalled that there were no conditions for keeping so many dangerous criminals in Afghanistan. That is why he does not rule out the possibility of another rebellion of mercenaries similar to that in Mazar-i-Sharif which has not been completely stifled yet.

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