Police officers are most attractive in Italy and Spain

Police officers are most attractive in Italy and Spain. 45442.jpegThe analysis of search queries on Momondo.ru flight ticket and hotel booking website was used to make the list of world's best police officers from tourists' point of view.

Travelers often have to communicate with police officers in different countries of the world. As many as 1,500 tourists, who took part in the poll, named the countries, where police officers showed their best professional qualities, News in One Line website said.

Police officers were estimated on the base of the following criteria: appearance, politeness and assistance to travelers in solving their problems. As a result, the poll revealed three nominations and three winners in them.

Carabineers from Spain and Italy were distinguished as most attractive ones. Gendarmes from France turned out to be most polite and welcoming, whereas the policemen of Norway were recognized as most useful ones in the solution of tourists' problems.

Comments about police officers in the USA, Cuba, Indonesia, Britain and Russia were mostly negative. This could be connected either with travelers' personal experience or with the image of police officers created by the media.

Russian tourists presumably address to police officers abroad in connection with a need to ask the way (24.5%), loss of personal things (20.4%), violation of traffic rules (16.6%) and theft (13%), Euromag.ru said.


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