Business leaders fighting for the social equality

The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum unites leaders of the large companies in struggle against social disparity and pollution

The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) is an international non-profit-making organization that was founded in 1990. Some of its goals include increasing social responsibility of the large enterprises and spreading leading standards of corporate management in order to eliminate all the negative effects of the globalization, growing social disparity and environmental pollution in the first place.

In collaboration with the UN, World Health Organization, World Bank and many non-profit-making and private organizations IBLF is working out programs helping to solve social problems in different regions of the planet. Special attention is devoted to the improvement of educational systems and personnel training, human rights, working conditions and preventing conflicts in working environment, business development and also improving medical standards.

IBLF de facto is a club for leaders of large international companies, many of which are included in Fortune 500 list. They are united by special attention they pay to the problem of social responsibility in business.

At the moment the association consists of 80 members, who are presidents, chairmen of the boards or CEOs representing US companies and their European subsidiaries (33 percent), British companies (23 percent) and companies from other countries of Western Europe (13 percent). Representatives of the companies from Asia and the Middle East comprise 12 and 10 percent respectively. 

It is possible to join the association only with the invitation of its members. Tobacco companies are not invited in principal.

Two times a year the association organizes informal meeting for all its members in London, where prince Charles and representatives of British establishment are present. The program of such meeting presupposes formal dinner and business breakfast next morning. Members of the association try not to miss this event.

The Association has offices in 50 countries including Russia, where in 2003 The Russia Partnership non-profit-making organization was established. On initiative of IBLF and Investor Protection Association it was founded by InterRos investment company, British Petroleum, Baker & Mackenzie and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. This was announced at the Davos-Moscow Forum in October 2003.

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Author`s name Olga Savka