Calf with 5 legs and 2 sex organs born in Russia

A calf with five legs and two sex organs was born in the Russian village of Zoborie in the Perm region. The calf immediately became a local celebrity. People from the neighbouring villages come to Zaborie to see this unique prodigy of nature.

Evgeny Trofimov, the animal's owner, named his calf Borka.

Evgeny says that some people think that there is something evil about the calf, many are scared to touch it. Others believe that Borka will be able to become the father of super calves.

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“Cow Zorka, Borka’s mother, had a good labour. The calf’s conditions were absolutely normal. Only five minutes after the labour we managed to notice the fifth leg near his tail and his second sex organ. It was the first time in my life when I saw such a strange thing,” says Vera Bobrova, a local vet.

According to vets, calves with congenital abnormalities usually die during the first minutes of their lives. However, Borka appeared to be very hardy. Two days later he was able to stand up perfectly and even walk, Life.Ru reports.

“The calf weighed too little, that is why we could not put him into the barn with other calves. They would knock Borka down. So we decided to leave the calf with somebody from the locals,” says Vera Bobrova.

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Evgeny Trofimov was the first who agreed to shelter Borka.

“When I saw the calf I understood that I should take it home. My friends told me not to do it saying that it was a bad idea to have such a mutant at home, but I did not listen to them. Now Borka is a local superstar. The vets wanted to perform an operation to remove the fifth leg and the second sex organ but I did not let them to do it. Let Borka stay the way he was born!” Evgeny Trofimov says.

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Author`s name Alex Naumov