We held it to be a truth that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction...there was enough information floating around that Saddam was trying to get nuclear material. Iraq's nuclear reactor was bombed in 1982, because Saddam couldn't be trusted...he fired scud missiles into Israel during the first Gulf War...if a man is not afraid of God, then why would he be afraid of men when it comes to using weapons of mass destruction upon his enemies...he proved he could use it upon his own population...which means he could use it on us...
Currently, Saddam's old Nemesis Iran, is flaunting the UN and is willing to continue its development of its nuclear program to procure weapons of mass destruction...the whole region is a threat to the Western way of life...fundamentally, they want a religiously "conservative" lifestyle..which is militantly opposed to western values...
Right now, the awful truth is, one nuke, one bad attack , and the American economy can be dumped...if this were to happen...this could trigger a global depression...strictly speaking...once Saddam became persona non-Grata, he had to go...we couldn't take the chance he would get any bright ideas, no matter how much wishful thinking the Democrats engaged in, that everything was safe and secure in their cozy little world...
The true lie of the whole Iraq affair is that the Democrats have no political conscious and are willing to do want it takes to seize power...they'll call Bush a liar, and say they are the true patriots, but really they are going to leave the government of Iraq high and dry if they get into power...
What did the ingenuous Democrats really think?! The terrorist world was going to leave us alone if we just did everything they requested?! That Kerry is really going to make a difference in the war on terrorism?! That any man who was willing to attack one of his own was going to get the respect of the international community?!
The Democrats think if they float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, they'll keep America safe for you and me...but in reality, what it really means is we can't take a punch to the head, and their policy is going to lead to Alzheimer's instead...What Iraq needs is the Marciano Plan - getting in close and ripping their damn heads off...
Statistically, Iraq is not a failure militarily...Had we simply parachuted troops in and confronted Saddam's army head on...we would've had huge causalities...perhaps as many as 50,000...but Saddam's forces would've suffered hundreds of thousands...
The Russians at the beginning of WWII had a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany.
Had they simply not lived in denial when obscure information came to them from a German soldier defecting just hours before the invasion of Russia, many Russian men, women, and children would be alive instead of dead....yet, really where was the hard proof?! Is was just the word of a man. No hard proof...the Democrats today are lynching Pres. Bush today for the gathering of intelligence data which didn't have hard proof....a mistake which may cost America more lives than the Russians lost in WWII !!! And die far more horribly !!!
We can't live in denial about the Muslim world. The terrorist Muslim world wants to launch a terrorist invasion of the West. A moratorium was just lifted by Osama's crowd...that Europe is now fair game for terrorist assaults..unless, the Western world removes itself from the Muslim world...yet , I didn't hear the reciprocity...that the Muslims be removed from the western world?! The western world allows people of other cultures to live under our roof.....we allow them to become citizens...we allow them to become elected officials in a land of one man, one vote.....we allow the diversity of spirit to mold a new entity ...the fulfilled entity of the New Jerusalem...where all nations and all peoples walk down the holy streets of the jewel of heaven...in one perfected spirit...
The great truth is that all men must agree on it or it's not a great truth...yet, if men are afraid to hear the truth, because they may pay a price, then let them not call the man a liar, just to mask their fears.....that their frustration and impotence is not the subject they want to hear when action is needed and the information is not solid - yet, not listening to it like Stalin did cost him 20 million citizens of Russia...when in reality he should of had his pulse on world politics and reacted on the spot...a mistake which ripped through the flower garden of white Russia...pissing on the antiquity of Slavic culture......
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona
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