Italy and Russia: A different approach amid the Ukraine crisis

A different Italian

Russia's special military operation in Ukraine began late last February after Moscow threw in the towel and surrendered to the evidence that neither Kiev nor Washington was in any way willing to provide those reasonable guarantees of security and stability for the Russian Federation that the Kremlin had long demanded.

It is safe to say how the West was eager for Russia to attack Ukraine and thus carefully prepared for war ever since the Maidan Square coup of 2014, with the crescendo of violence and provocations that were there for anyone willing to see them.

The reaction of the collective West in response to Russian hostilities has been the easily predictable and very unsurprising one: a huge media campaign putting Russia in the dock and a huge set of economic and social sanctions (some even ridiculous such as the one against Patriarch Kirill) in order to bend the will of the Russians by destroying their economy and part of their own society.

Italy, too, has taken sides against Moscow, under the determined push of Prime Minister Mario Draghi and with Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio famously indulging at times in very undiplomatic statements and comments against President Putin.

However, Italy is not its rulers, even though the Italian people may have chosen them voluntarily in the last general election because we, all of us, trusted promises that seemed reasonable and political programs that seemed meaningful.

The Italian people and the Italian government are therefore two separate things.

Reminding us of this simple truth was the Italian woman Ornella Mariani who, as a simple citizen and with uncommon courage given the sheepish times we live in, addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin with a video message in the very days immediately following the start of the special operation.

The video dates back to March 13, now almost three months ago, but it retains all its meaning.

Mrs. Mariani's words clearly come from the heart, with the force of a positive passion that is lacking in many experienced journalists (sic), the very ones who have been spewing their venomous paid Russophobia from the pages of the newspapers they work for.

At a time when those same newspapers are publishing lists of Italian "Putinians”, perhaps foretasting the blow to the back of the head with which they might be shot down, I thought I would ask this brave Italian woman three brief questions.

Why did you decide to make this video message?

I believed it was important to pierce media omerta and demand international attention to the Italian issue. Outside Italy, there is no perception of what is happening to a people who suffer blackmailing and extortionate compression of rights and freedoms and restrictions mendaciously imposed by a health project grotesquely covered by military secrecy: in this regard, it is the case to say that there is no connection!

What were the reactions in Italy and abroad?

A very enthusiastic interest of the People and a house search with an order to seize my computer equipment, which I refused to hand over. I did not allow the removal of my PC, which is an immovable working tool. I merely surrendered a mobile phone, lacking a SIM card. A handful of hours later it was returned to me in the sealed package and signed by me on each side, signifying that it had not been opened, "visited” or analyzed, that is, signifying that the whole action was conducted for the sole benefit of unnecessary and questionable intimidation. I explained to the Public Prosecutor through videos and public statements that I have the right to express my opinions; that the judiciary should investigate everything instead of investigating nothing; that my convictions dwell in my head and not in my PC or on social media where one searches for them through the key words referred to in court documents "Draghi, Di Maio, Putin”; that the affair does not concern me. I have, moreover, asked the establishment to courageously declare that in Italy there is no longer any respect for constitutional guarantees; that the sense and value of the Charter, indeed, have been completely revoked and that the government is leading the country into an intolerable totalitarian drift.

I know that you have been invited to the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. What do you expect from this participation?

I accepted the invitation to understand, vowing to listen and lend my voice to millions of fellow countrymen/taxpayers harassed; humiliated; annihilated by iniquitous and illiberal measures while witnessing events that should really engage broad judicial sectors. The distortion of the Constitutional Charter; the veto of autopsy examinations that, apropos of a planned emergency aimed only at enslaving the People, could have prevented tens of thousands of victims; the unpopularity of a political class defined as "abusive” with an opinion shared even by the President of the Republic whose election is in re ipsa (in itself) abusive; the exponential increase of new poor; the pretextual involvement in a conflict that does not concern us but which is motivated by a massive arms traffic defined as a "humanitarian corridor”; the recruitment of Ukrainian doctors with no health requisites even though deputed to replace Italian doctors hostile to the inoculation of a killer gene serum, moreover experimental; the indiscriminate welcoming of immigrants against tax tightening and whatever else has been expressed in the vulgar and dangerous breaking of diplomatic relations with a great country, Russia.

All this confirms a further will to annihilate our country and an irresponsible institutional mediocrity. Against these circumstances; against the final burial of public ethics; against the irresponsible and amateurish management of foreign policy and, above all, against the double-dealing of an opposition functional to the interests of this incompetent government, only the line of rigor remains. In St. Petersburg, therefore, I will try to figure out through what actions, by aggregating dissent, we can restore to Italy at least a modicum of the dignity and security snatched by subjects protected by financial elites and repugnant occult powers.

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Author`s name Costantino Ceoldo
Editor Dmitry Sudakov