Russian President Sent A Message To Brazilian President

In his message to Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Vladimir Putin pointed to the need of creating a global system of countering international terrorism, organised crime, illegal drug trafficking and aggressive separatism. The document stresses, in particular: "We are going to continue an active dialogue with Brazil on the entire range of world problems. The present-day international relations require joint efforts of all states, no matter what geographic position they have, in search for solidary answer to new challenges and threats. The main danger comes from international terrorism, organised crime, illegal drug trafficking and aggressive separatism. We believe that a global system should be created for the struggle against them. It could incorporate the appropriate multilateral mechanisms of collaboration, including for early warning and preventing the emerging threats, and for resolute and adequate reaction to their appearance. We are convinced that to counter the challenges to general security is possible only on the firm basis of international law and on the basis of the UN Charter." Touching upon the issues of bilateral relations, Vladimir Putin pointed out: "We attach great importance to developing partner relations with yo! ! ur country. Our forthcoming meeting in Moscow slated for January 2002 will undoubtedly be conducive to it. All grounds for this are available. More than that, I am convinced that strategic views of both countries coincide on most issues. We have what to offer to each other in the economy, especially in the field of advanced and promising technologies. High-tech spheres of cooperation such as atomic and traditional power engineering, telecommunications and information science can have a priority importance.

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