Obsessed lady asks firefighters to extinguish flames of her loins

Indian firefighters have no idea as to how to react to strange phone calls from young ladies asking them to "extinguish the flame of their loins.' Local newspaper "Midday" reports that 55 staff firefighters of one of the Delhi's fire stations receive no less than 70 of such phone calls every evening. This in turn makes it difficult for the firefighters to respond to really urgent calls to prevent serious disasters. "We also receive about 15-30 calls during the day from housewives who simply have nothing to do and are dying of boredom," says Raj Parab, one of the officers. "However, be it day or night, the content of the message remains the same: 'Can you extinguish any sort of fire? What about the fire of passion inside of me? Come quickly, I am all on fire." They would also give their address.' Whenever we try to tell them off in a polite way, the women begin yelling: Don't be so shy! I will turn into ashes before you'll change your mind…or something along the lines of 'You are not a firefighter; you are not even a man?!" Annoyed firefighters were already determined to ask local police for help. However, the latter reported of similar phone problems.

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