As a result of the implementation of the concept on the use of natural gasas an engine fuel in 2015 the replacement of oil products will amount to1.5-1.7m tons per year and to 2.1-2.3m tons of oil in 2020, BogdanBudzulyak, deputy chairman of Gazprom, declared after the meeting devotedto this issue, which was held at the gas holding's office. According tohim, the expected decreased in emissions in 2015 will be 750,000-850,000tons and about 1m-1.2m tons in 2020.The draft of the concept on the use of natural gas as an engine fuelenvisages a long-term forecast on the installation of gas equipment onautomobiles and agricultural vehicles throughout 2020. The implementationof the concept will be carried out in three stages.In particular, at the first stage the number of automobiles that usenatural gas is to be increased by 35,000-40,000. Their total number shouldbe 65,000-70,000 by January 1, 2006.The second stage envisages the further development of a gas filling stationnetwork. It will enable Russia to provide local, long-distance domestic andinternational passenger and cargo transportation, including within theframework of the UN Blue Corridor project. The implementation of thisproject in the 2006-2010 period will result in the increase of automobilesthat use natural gas by 120,000-140,000 vehicles. By 2011 the total numberof automobiles that use natural gas as an engine fuel is planned to be190,000-210,000.On the final stage in the period from 2011-2020, about 1m automobiles areexpected to use natural gas and the number of gas filling stations is toexceed 1,000. Gas equipment will be installed mainly on light trucks andcars.Participants of the meeting decided to improve the draft of the concept andsubmit it to the Russian government for consideration. Moreover, it wasdecided to ask the State Duma to complete the work on the federal bill onthe use of natural gas as an engine fuel. Among participants of the meetingthere were representatives of Gazprom, the Ru! ssian government andparliament..
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