To day is July 4TH 2002. The USA is celebrating the day of the independence from Great Briton in 1766. The citizens of the colony of America started a revolution and rebellion against what was at that time their King of Great Briton. There was fighting, bloodshed and many good men had to die for the liberty and freedom since these individuals did not like to be controlled by a superior government and royalty. The people were lucky, they won. If not they would have been hung or shot as traitors/partisans/"terrorists". And this is how the world's great superpower started, by rebellion against their King. Since this time billions of people, men, women and children had to perish for the desire of independence, freedom and liberty. Some rebellion succeeded they were hailed liberators and labelled heroes others failed and the participants were executed and labelled terrorists. Finally, after World War II, some fair-minded individuals of the major countries saw the need for a better way to deal with HUMAN RIGHTS and FREEDOMS, and so the United Nations was created. But up to this day the UN is not very effective, they make resolutions but some other nations do not care about the resolutions, because these nations are powerful and have influence. This must change and soon. Not long ago a world court was created and this court started its work on July1/2002. The only purpose of this court was to examine and prosecute individuals/politicians/countries who committed act of violence, of being aggressors and in general violating basic Human Rights and Freedoms. Former President Clinton signed on for the USA. Now the present President Gorge W. Bush has removed the signature (USA) from the treaty. He and the Pentagon fear that the court may be used against the (USA). Here the school-yard-bully is afraid to be held liable for its action. The USA is in favour of other individuals and countries being held liable and brought before there court. People of the world: How do you like to be held liable for your actions but the WORLD SUPERPOWER (USA) IS EXCEMPTED FROM PROCECUTION? Canada, my country, is cheated regularly when making a deal with the USA, the USA makes a deal/agreement and if same is not more of a benefit to the USA the Americans walk away and tell Canada go to court and fight us.
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