We are addressing you deeply moved by the current events in the friendly state of Libya.
As you are aware, the war in Libya started in a rather similar way as the war in Serbia, that is on Kosovo and Metohija, back in 1999. A group of terrorists that was wrongly named «freedom fighters», supported by NATO and the most powerful media machinery, started an invader's war on common people killing and destroying everything that stood in their way.
The Libyan army as the legitimate defense force of a sovereign state that was defending the Libyan people and acting according to the existing laws was unjustly demonized by foreign media and erroneously labeled as regime, aggressor and dictator's army.
These days, we are all the witnesses of the dirtiest and unfortunately superbly designed and organized media campaign against Gaddafi and the Libyan people itself whose majority is supporting him. Muammar al Gaddafi, as you well know yourself, is an old and proved friend of Serbia and the Serbian people. And as such he deserves the support of all of us in these hard moments when the country that he had been building during so many years in order to give a better life not only to the Libyans, but to all the people in Africa, is being bestially and mercilessly destroyed.
We are witnesses as well of an unpermitted and in the international laws unbased process of recognizing of TNC by the same countries that wage the war on Libya in the first place. Unfortunately, we witness as well that small groups of Libyan students studying abroad that support self - proclaimed TNC make the violent entries and even engage in beating the official Libyan representatives and diplomats in the Libyan embassies all over the world.
Given all the events concerning the friendly state of Libya we are appealing to you that you do not interrupt the excellent relationship with Muammar al Gaddafi, built during many years in the past and above all that you do not support the supreme injustice that is being done to Libya and the Libyan people.
We, citizens of Serbia, being ourselves the subject of the same injustice, appeal to you not to recognize Transitional National Council and that you do not interrupt the diplomatic relationship with the present, legally elected representatives of the Socialist Arab Libyan Jamahirya.
The strength of a true leader is reflected in the support of the people he leads.
We do count on you and we believe in you!
Citizens of Serbia
Obraćamo Vam se potreseni strahotom tekucih zbivanja u prijateljskoj Libiji.
Kao što znate, rat u Libiji počeo je na vrlo sličan način kao i u Srbiji, na Kosovu i Metohiji 1999. godine. Grupa terorista, pogrešno nazvana borcima za slobodu, uz punu podršku NATO snaga i moćne medijske mašinerije, krenula je u osvajački rat protiv običnog naroda, ubijajući i rušeći sve pred sobom.
Vojska Libije, kao legitimna odbrambena snaga suverene zemlje, braneći narod i reagujući u skladu sa Ustavom i zakonom, medijski je demonizovana i bez ikakvog dokaza nazvana režimskom, agresorskom, diktatorskom.
Ovih dana smo svedoci najprljavije moguće i na žalost, dobro smišljene i organizovane medijske kampanje protiv pukovnika Gadafija i libijskog naroda koji je, velikom većinom, uz njega. Pukovnik Gadafi, što i sami znate, kao mnogo puta osvedočeni prijatelj naše zemlje i naroda, zaslužio je podršku svih nas, posebno u ovim teškim trenucima kada mu nemilosrdno ruše zemlju koju je godinama gradio kako bi obezbedio bolje uslove života ne samo građanima Libije, već cele Afrike.
Svedoci smo, takođe, nedopustivog i na medjunarodnom pravu neutemeljenog priznavanja "nacionalnog prelaznog veća Libije" kao i nasilnih upada i fizičkih obračuna malih grupa libijskih studenata koji podržavaju samoproklamovano "nacionalno prelazno veće" protiv zvaničnih predstavnika i diplomata svoje zemlje u ambasadama Libije širom sveta.
Zbog svih događaja vezanih za prijateljsku nam zemlju Libiju, apelujemo i molimo Vas da, pod pritiskom medija i interesnih grupacija , ne prekidate godinama građene dobre odnose sa pukovnikom Gadafijem i više od svega, da ne podržite nepravdu koja se čini jednoj zemlji i njenom narodu. Mi, građani Srbije, Vas molimo, kao narod koji je pretrpeo sličnu nepravdu, da ne priznajete "nacionalno prelazno veće" kao i da ne prekidate diplomatske odnose sa aktuelnim, legalno izabranim predstavnicima Socijalne Arapske Libijske Džamahirije.
Prava snaga jednog lidera ogleda se u podršci naroda koji vodi.
Računamo na Vas i verujemo u Vas!
Građani Srbije
Prepared for publication by:
Lisa Karpova
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