Pierre Cardin praises Putin’s style

Fashion designer Pierre Cardin has become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts at the ceremony which took place in Moscow Thursday. The legendary designer made a special visit to Moscow to attend the event. It became Cardin’s 32nd visit to Russia.

The designer said in an interview with Russia’s REN TV channel that he always had a special attitude to Russia. “I told a Russian ambassador in Paris once that I would like to hold a Russian passport, although it would not be an issue of politics for me. I would like to have it to be able to study Russia better, its culture, traditions and history – Russia has great history,” Cardin said.

Cardin’s longstanding acquaintance with Russia allows the designer to speak about the evolution of Russia’s politics and mindset. “I saw how politics was changing. I was observing the evolution, the changes in diplomacy. Our relations became more trust-based, and I can see liberalization taking place in the country – the people are becoming more liberated. I think that many people are grateful to the government for the opportunity to work freely now,” Pierre Cardin said.

The couturier said that it was hard for him to speak about liberalization at the moment. “I do not mean that the liberalization is taking place right now, but I have been observing your country for almost 50 years already, and it has definitely changed a lot during this time,” Cardin emphasized.

The legendary designer did not share his opinion on the elegancy of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Cardin said that he would be able to draw a conclusion only after a personal meeting with him. However, Cardin praised the style of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. “He’s got style. I have met him several times and I realized that he is a stylish man – it is obvious,” Cardin said.

Pierre Cardin is an Italian-born French fashion designer, who was born on July 7, 1922, near Treviso. Cardin was known for his avant-garde style and his space age designs. He prefers geometric shapes and motifs, often ignoring the female form. He advanced into unisex fashions, sometimes experimental, and not always practical. He introduced the "bubble dress" in 1954.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov