Solar activity affects every single aspect of human life

We know that the Sun is a big star but still treat it only as the source of light and heat. Meanwhile, mankind has been depending upon the burning hot ball for a very long period. We can feel the dependence from the Sun every day and every hour: human organisms have their own biorhythms.

Experts determined that every organ of the human organism has a definite period of its peak daily activity. Liver is maximally active from 1 to 3 a.m., lungs – from 3 to 5 a.m., large intestine – from 5 to 7 a.m., stomach – from 7 to 9 a.m., spleen and pancreas – from 9 to 11 a.m., heart – within 11 a.m.-3 p.m., small intestine – from 1 to 3 p.m., urinary bladder – from 3 to 5 p.m., kidneys – from 5 to 7 p.m., blood-vascular organs and genitals – within 7-9 p.m., gall-bladder – from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. The highest body temperature and blood pressure are registered at 6 p.m., the biggest body weight – at 8 p.m., and the maximum number of leukocytes in blood is registered at 12 p.m.

It often happens that many people understand different things when they speak about biorhythms. The phenomenon of biorhythms actually exists as the lives of all living creatures agree with some definite rhythms. The heart, intestines or lungs agree with their own rhythms. Some of these rhythms are independent to some extent and others are dependent upon conditions of the environment, also including the Sun.

The daily biorhythms are the most evident phenomenon we can feel in our life. Doctors insist that it is ideal for the human health to follow the sun-clock which means rising at dawn and going to bed after sunset. It is only during sleep and in darkness that the human organism produces melatonin, the night hormone responsible for synchronization of biorhythms in the organism. It neutralizes free radicals and participates in serotonin production.

At the same time, results of some experiments when individuals were isolated in rooms with artificial illumination and had no clocks turned out to be really curious. Some days after beginning of the experiment it turned out that the day of these individuals extended from 36 to 48 hours. So, it means that the human organism probably needs a longer diurnal cycle. But we depend upon the rhythm dictated by the Sun.

It is known that daily biorhythms are typical of adults only. New-born babies have their weekly cycles within at least the first three months of their life. It is melatonin that helps new-born babies switch to the regular daily cycle. It is said that babies may die in case their organisms produce not enough melatonin.

Seasonal biorhythms are another phenomenon that humansmayfeel acutely. Somepeople are particularly sensitive to changing of seasons: we either complain about autumn depressions or winter sleepiness. And there is no medicine that may help fight the ailments caused by seasonal biorhythms.

The change of seasons entails the reduction of daylight hours which in its turn may cause emotional drop, depressions and suicidal tendencies. It is believed that the fear of darkness is the atavism we have got from cave-men. And still it is still very strong today. Experts say that these ailments, with the exception of suicidal tendencies, can be cured with the help of light therapy.

Human beings are also sensitive to chemical processes, bursts and decays of activity on the Sun.

Bursts of solar activity seriously change the Earth’s magnetic field; populations of animals begin to reduce or to grow. Solar flares have a great effect upon humans as well. Higher solar activity results in higher probability of traffic accidents as human ability to concentrate is lower in this period; it also entails acute conditions of chronic or cardiovascular diseases and other troubles.

Spots visible on the Sun even with the help of a small telescope are the obvious sign of its activity. Solar activity can be easily calculated. Official and less official sciences state that the cycle of solar activity lasts for eleven years. In other words, the number of suicides, killings, heart attacks, abortions, fights, traffic accidents and other disasters increases on some particular days once in eleven years.

However, the solar activity cycles not only entail acute conditions of various diseases and personal problems; the Sun also interferes with our social life. It is during the period of higher solar activity that wars, revolutions and other social disorders break out more often. At that, solar activity has a stronger effect upon large groups of people.

It makes no sense to say the Sun’s influence upon our life is insignificant. It is important to notice this influence at once and forecast what results it may have. There are several experts – chrono-biologists, astrologists and researchers who estimate the connection between solar activity and historic processes – who can predict results of solar activity. Chrono-biologists study mechanisms connected with our biorhythms. Astrologists forecast influence of the Sun. But still it is unknown which biorhythm is the best. And it is not clear what our life would be in case we got out of the Sun’s impact.


Translated by Maria Gousseva

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