George Person: I have to love all people RESPONSE

There's is truly nothing more beautiful than a woman's love - it's the basis of mercy for the entire human race...for in the woman's heart is unbound mercy capable of forgiving all of mankind and allowing all souls into Heaven...for women are so much more naturally inclined to love along with possessing emotional fulfillment, that within their heart is the natural wisdom of the world...
Nobody wants to label people...especially as can mean a lot of hardship and in its worst case, they can be classified as an "enemy combatant", being placed into a legal no man's land, where your name is all but forgotten.
And who really wants to go to war?! Who wants to be mutilated or killed in war?!
If I thought being passive would bring world peace, I would eagerly support it!
But it won't...there's a phrase called "hardball" it means hard, tough minded personalities playing hard to win because they think they are long as you have two sides playing hard to win, then you have a contest of the wills...something which is only going to quit when one side wins or a new view point emerges, as to the futility of the contest the two sides are engaging....
Perhaps Dawn's views represent a new vision or a new way to look at the problem...
At the moment, nobody is protesting for peace in the Arab world...we've got people in Iraq protesting that Saddam was unjustly treated in a rather ugly and violent way... 
Nobody had  the courage before the protest under Saddam. Unless they wanted to be shot to death or experience a chemical death with sarin nerve gas...
As a woman of peace, who enjoys the mellow high of marijuana, does it shock you to hear that a man was able to sleep at night after gassing a mother as she held her baby in her arms, with a chemical that horribly mutilated her and her baby's skin, as their jaws were gasped wide-open, letting out one last horrid scream, as their spirits left this earth?! Haven't you've shown more mercy to a cockroach by just putting your foot on its back, instead of pulling out a can of Raid, and watch the  little roach pathetically squirm around, then onto its back - if you've have...then you've shown more mercy to that roach, than Saddam did for a whole sector of his society!
Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Nixon were all men who believed in peace....
They all felt it was the highest calling, as a leader, to achieve peace for all mankind, and as a testament to their leadership, to the Creator of the human race to strive for its attainment as a measure of their worth as a soul as they journeyed thru Earth and on towards their day of Judgment.
"Let their be peace in this house, if there are men of peace within this house," was once said by the Master of the human race.....let's see if we can incorporate a new vision,which will break out like a glorious dawn, and bring a little sanity to the dusty town of Nazareth, where a tumultuous humanity can be found.... 
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova