Terrorist video will help London bombing investigation

A videotaped statement by a suspected suicide bomber proves who was responsible for the July 7 attacks on London's transport system, and shoots down conspiracy theories circulating in the Muslim community, a British legislator said Friday.

The tape by Mohammed Sidique Khan, identified by police as one of the four bombers who killed 52 people, "does for the first time give us an insight into the mind of the enemy within," said Labour Party lawmaker Shahid Malik, the AP says.

As Pravda.ru reported earlier, the Al-Jazeera pan-Arab television network broadcast the tape by Khan, and another by al-Qaida's No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, on Thursday.

"I ... believe there is a hardcore rump within the British Muslim community that didn't actually believe somehow that Sidique and his cohort were responsible. Rampant conspiracy theories mushroomed out of control," Malik said in an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. radio.

A spokeswoman for London's Metropolitan Police said Thursday night that the force was "aware of the tape, we will consider it as part of our ongoing investigation."

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