Ivanov: Chechens Planning Strike Against Russian Nuclear Power Stations

The self-styled “leader” of Chechnya, Ahmed Zakaiev, claimed in London that Chechen terrorists are planning a new wave of attacks against Russian civilian targets, including nuclear power stations. These declarations were confirmed today by Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.

Zakaiev was arrested at Heathrow Airport, London, last Thursday, after being released from Copenhagen, but was freed after paying bail, a move which incensed the Russians, who want him extradited to the Russian Federation to stand trial for terrorist activities. Mr. Ivanov asked the British delegation in the OSCE meeting taking place in Oporto, Portugal, “What would you do if Osama Bin Laden, wanted internationally like Zakaiev, announced in London that he planned new attacks against civilian targets in the United States? Would you let him go after making this type of statement?”

In the international fight against terrorism, it seems that every effort is expected of the Russian Federation while nothing is given in return.


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