To the people of Canada And the people of the World:

The Canadian politicians tell you my fellow citizen that we live in a free and democratic society. The same politicians also make big speeches and trot around the World and like to impress everyone how democratic Canada is, and in doing so, having a good time spending the people's money and resources. An article in the local paper the Midland Free Press revealed the wasteful spending of the local M.P. Paul DeVillers, did spend US $2,200.00 that is about CA $ 3,500.00 for one night (hotel) at the Salt Lake Olympics.

Canada is a disguised dictatorship. Some hard words but let me show you how it is performed. The Canadian people are so used to it they do not see the trees because of all the forest.

The people of a democratic country must have free and fair elections; and only the elected members (politicians) should be permitted to make laws.

The International Human Rights Code Article 21 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. 3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Lets look at Article 21 section 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or.. / The Canadian people are not permitted to take part directly in government. The government has created so many roadblocks, they are not responding to questions, or they tell you that you must go through a special process and this process could run $10,000.00. What individual (worker) can spend such sum of money? I wrote to the Prime Minister of Canada and after three (3) months there was a reply and it was a phony reply it was an advice, advising me to address the matter with some other Minister. My local MPP (representative of the Province of Ontario/(State in the USA)) I wrote over a year ago and I reminded him in writing twice on the issue, but no reply. Here the reason apparently is that I am not of his Christian religion and still no reply, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

In Canada the people do not have the ability to elect their Prime Minister nor their Premier (provincial/state leader. Their respective parties elect them. Also when the Prime Minister walks or the Premier walks out (resigns) the respective party elects a new one and the people at large have no say at all.

There is also a Senate who approves the actions/laws that the elected representatives make and those Senators are not elected they are appointed by the Prime Minster and normally they are his friends and supporter. Canada has the worst system in the world in regard to the election of a government. Here is an example: if there are three (3) political parties, one party has 40% of the elected members the other two (2) parties have 60 % of the elected members. The 40% form the government and fill all Ministries. The other members sit on the side like dummies and they are permitted to speak up occasional in general it is a waste of time and effort.

In a true democracy (EU) and the (USA) the Prime Minister/President is elected by popular vote.

The government is elected by popular vote and by individuals running for office.

The Ministries are divided up in relation to the popular vote. This way, the people of the country are truly represented as they voted. This way all the politicians have to work together and not as in Canada, where they argue to show who looks better on TV and or in the newspapers.

2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country, this is a dream of most citizens, but it does not work that way, if you are a friend of the elected politicians regardless if in Federal Government, Provincial/(State in the USA) Government or local City/Town Government, you will be served otherwise, you are politely told to get lost.

3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections, which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. In regard of the will of the people. In Canada the will for "periodic and genuine elections" is a dream, and by writing this I hope that some day the Canadian people have "periodic and genuine elections". The elections in Canada are "NOT PERIODIC", in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, " Maximum duration of legislative bodies is five (5) years". Here you must note the trick is "MAXIMUM", the party in power, respectively speaking the Prime Minister of Canada (federal) and the Premier (provincial) may call an election at any time within the 5 year period. Such action is not permitted by section 15. of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ( I wonder why not one of all those smart lawyers thought about this). The elections are called whenever the Prime Minster and her/his fellows in charge of their party think it is the best time to win again. The party makes the decision; the party is a body of like-minded individuals and these individuals, discriminating against all the other individuals who do not belong to this party. This is not permitted by the Canadian Charter or under the International Human Rights Code.

When the elections are democratically, this means they are fixed to a specific day, an example like in the USA and other countries. This way all individuals regardless of which party they belong or if they belong to no party they know when the next election is and when they are eligible to vote.

There are many more things wrong in Canada, where the individuals are treated in the manner usually used by dictators and warlords. The International Human Rights Code is violated constantly in Canada. When you the people are told the Canadians are out there to fight the forces of dictatorship with words and guns, it is a show business for the World, for Human Rights out in the World but no Human Rights in Canada.

The Canadian government should provide proper Human Rights in Canada and at least adhere to the International Human Rights Code.

Yours for democracy, Henry W. Freitag

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