Iraqi Troops Surrender Mosul Without Fighting

The Iraqi troops surrendered Mosul, the country's third largest city, without fighting, reports the Kuwaiti news agency KUNA. According to the agency's information, Kurdish detachments and US units entered the city during the night.

The Friday issue of the Al-Zaman newspaper writes that the Iraqi troops began leaving Mosul on Wednesday, abandoning their arms and materiel. Militants from local tribes and home guards who changed their uniforms for plain clothes were the first to leave their positions.

According to the newspaper, the Iraqi top brass had been negotiating with the Americans and had suggested surrender in exchange for amnesty.

Earlier, Arab media reported that the commander of the Northern Front and a number of high-ranking military men and Baath functionaries had left Mosul as early as Tuesday and had headed towards Syria.

On Thursday, Kurdish detachments and US units captured Kirkuk, Northern Iraq, which too had surrendered without fighting.

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Author`s name Petr Ermilin
Topics syria