Statue of Liberty Wears Cloak of Russian Copper

The French ordered copper for the statue from Russia

Professor Miniakhmet Mutalov, an academician from the republic of Bashkortostan, studied tons of history books before he came to conclusion that the Statue of Liberty, the attire of the statue, to be more precise, had been made of the Bashkortostan copper.

As it well-known, the Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French government for the 100th anniversary of the USA's independence. The French ordered tough-pitch copper for the statue in Russia - it happened at the second half of the 19th century. Back in those years, they smelted this metal from cuprous sandstone, sediments of which were located in the south and in the west of the Bashkortostan republic.

Yet, it is hard to say, which enterprise in particular executed the foreign order. Academician Mutalov supposed that it was the factory of merchants Tverdyshev and Myasnikov, since the factory was situated on the Tora river. The river was used to transport caravans of copper from Russia's Ural to the Baltic region and then to Europe and France. The merchant factory existed for 50 years, until 1895 and produced more than 1,5 million pounds of copper. The cloak of the Statue of Liberty is made of 225 tons of embossed tough-pitch copper from Russia's Ural.

Anastasiya Tushova
KP In Bashkortostan

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Author`s name Olga Savka