By Lord Howard Hurts
The corruption of America is complete. The Congress is corrupt. The Supreme Court is corrupt, and the President is both corrupt and a fraud. How can this be possible? Because the citizenry of this nation, for the most part, is the product of an education system that has brainwashed it students for several decades. These "Blind Sheep" only know how to destroy, or pick apart, any subject or person. They are not capable of logical reasoning. This birth certificate issue is one where logical reasoning would apply.
The case has been made by reasonable persons qualified in the field of document analysis that this document is a composite and a fraud. The press doesn't listen and then ask questions about the results found, it asks questions and attacks the persons who have presented the creditable evidence. THE GAME IS RIGGED. We have a Republican candidate for President who is aware of this birth certificate issue and is being pummeled in the press to give up more tax returns so that the Democrats can destroy him by nonsense. And yet this coward, Mitt Romney, refuses to attack this fraud of a President on the birth certificate issue.
All this confusion could be ended in one afternoon. President Obama could let Sheriff Arpaio view his real birth certificate in the vault in Hawaii, under the "protective eyes" of the press, so that it could be ascertained that the Internet version of this birth certificate and the one in the vault are one in the same. But this is not going to happen for two reasons: 1. The two versions of this certificate will not match, and 2.This great distraction is a divisional issue between the Patriot's of America and the Republican, public educated, "Blind Sheep". It is good sport as we say in England.
So now, you say, "Well if the documents don't match, that fact in itself is a crime." Yes, but does anyone really believe that it is worth fighting a civil war over such an issue? Don't mentally jump ahead, continue reading. Then you have the next question: "If the birth certificates don't match, then Obama might not be an American." Well here is where the opposition is using the true facts against the persons using logic. The opposition knows that Obama was born in Hawaii and that both his parents were American citizens. They know that Obama Sr. was not the father of the President Obama Jr. Many of these cowards in the Congress know the answer. The answer would embarrass not only President Obama, but would embarrass the nation. President Obama might not have known the actual truth of his birth until 10 years ago. Of this I am not certain, but I am sure that by the time he knew the true answer to the name of his father, he was already committed, and it was too late to correct the facts. So how do I know all this? Read on....................
I recognized President Obama as a Marxist and was determined to find a way to "spotlight" his true politician leanings. The birth certificate issue seemed the easiest issue available so I "attacked it". Well, I had no idea that it would take nearly 3 million dollars to get to the truth of the issue. And I spent 3 long years trying to find the "weak link" in the chain to bring this birth certificate to "light".
As I worked to figure a way to get into the vault in Hawaii, I had wondered many times about why Obama was so concerned about someone viewing his actual birth certificate. My mind wandered just as the minds of many others had done. I also had wondered why The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, otherwise known as the Mossad, had not provided the proof of the "missing Obama birth certificate". I have several friends inside this organization and had "prodded" them to "blast" the Obama administration with the proof (I knew, at the time, that they had a copy of the Obama birth certificate that is locked in the vault in Hawaii). Well, I heard no response, one way or the other. Silence.
I should have known that "Silence" meant that what they found was next to worthless (there are many outlets that would have fronted and presented this information had it been offered). But I plodded along, thinking that there was some convoluted reason for the Mossad not providing the information to "Sink Obama". I can only say that it was a difficult and most often frustrating journey to finally get a true copy of the Obama birth certificate in hand. And then suddenly, once secured, I find that this document is nearly worthless as a tool to pry this most inept, and corrupt, individual (Obama) from office.
Looking back, I should have figured if the Mossad had no interest, then it was a "blind alley", so to speak. Now I find myself at a crossroad, and at the same time in a precarious situation. The document I have procured holds nothing that a court of law would rule as an obstacle to B.H. Obama being President of the United States of America. Of this I am certain. He is in fact a Natural Born Citizen, and there is no dispute about this. Now, in my attempt to "make history", I have breached many laws, and should I make this document public, the only thing that will be accomplished is that the previously posted birth certificate, on the Internet, will not match this actual B.H. Obama birth certificate found in the vault in Hawaii. Big deal! Oh, and I would be arrested for obtaining a document by purloined means.
Now here is the key, and something that I should have picked up on years ago: Dr. Fukino says that she sent 2 copies, of this original birth certificate to President Obama. I believe her. But has anyone asked her if the birth certificate posted on the Internet, by Obama, is the same as the ones she sent to Obama? Her answer would have to be, No. She also stated, and it is documented, that she viewed the document 2 times in the vault in Hawaii, and that the certificate was half typed and half hand written. Is the Internet document half hand written? No. Then it is not a photo copy of the ones sent by Dr. Fukino to Obama. So now you can "see" that I am in a "Stand Off" with Obama.
If he pushes to have me arrested, I can easily make this copy of his birth certificate available to some friendly media outlet. So why should he "push me" if I keep the information hidden? But then again, why should I make it known that I have a copy of his birth certificate in the first place? Because too many people who look for negative information about Obama seem to suffer from "heart attacks", and if I should have a sudden "heart attack", the document will find its way to some media outlet. Obama is ahead now, so why test fate and "push buttons" that may change the game? If you read my postings at: you will find that I have had several incidents where individuals have been "following" me, and I have had to relocate myself, in several different countries, so as to feel safe. I am presently outside of the U.S. and will continue to stay outside until something changes. So my advice to Sheriff Arpairo is to quit while you are ahead. The trail has been nothing but a "Red Herring". Finding the real birth certificate will not gain you anything. Now a message for true American Patriot's like Sheriff Arpairo:
The Presidential election of 2012 may be the pivotal point for this great Republic. To think that the fate of the nation is based on the economy is pure folly. To believe that Republican Romney will revive the economy because he was a successful businessman is a total misunderstanding of the seriousness of a nation without a "Moral Compass". This nation, and the world, is on the brink of total collapse due to economies based on promissory paper, and political promises, rather than hard assets such as gold or platinum. What we should be concerned with is electing a leader who will provide security to the citizens while restoring integrity to government, and who will defend the Constitution as it is written.
When these three goals are met, the economy will restore itself. It is also time to eliminate the Department of Education because as the cost of education increased over the past 30 years, the American student scored lower, and lower, when compared to students of other nations; nations that provide education for half the cost of the inferior American education. And this is why I believe that Allen West is the person that the Republican's should draft as their candidate for President. In the trying times coming only a military man will be able to make the "hard" decisions needed to keep this nation from entering into a destructive civil war. Elect Obama, Romney, or Hillary Clinton, and say hello to: The United States of Socialist America.
Lord Howard Hurts
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