Just imagine for a moment that the Bible is NOT a religious book. Think of it as some stories of historical figures, a look into how people lived several thousand years ago and some good lessons on how to live your life. Forget the church aspect. I'll cover that at the end.
Another book which you can still buy on www.Amazon.com is "Satan, The Prince of This World". It was written by William Guy Carr, Reserve Decoration, and Commander in the Royal Canadian Navy who died in 1959. His book is the result of a lifelong study into why some people are just plain stinking rotten to the core. Commander Carr refers to them as all linked together, members of the Synagogue of Satan.
Imagine that long ago, there were two men, fighting to "manage" the human population.
One was a good guy and one was a bad guy. Just for curiosity sake, let's call the first man God and the Second man Satan. The good guy wanted to teach people how to live a happy, prosperous and productive life, helping others whenever they could. The bad guy wanted people to work for him and make him rich and prosperous. His rules were: Lie. Cheat, Deceive. Or as is taught in the investment scam business "The 3 Ls to success: Lie, Lie, Lie".
Over the past several thousand years, some people naturally gravitated to and appreciated what the fellow named God had taught them. And equally opposite, other people naturally gravitated to the ways of the shyster called Satan. Forget the religious aspect for now.
We know that SOS Brian Kemp said he would abide by Judge Michael Malihi's decision in the Obama eligibility challenge. And he did. Some people may respect him for keeping his word.
But, the first guarantee he made to the People of Georgia was that he would protect and defend the US Constitution. Any judgments thrown upon him after that oath he took, pledging, promising to protect our constitution had to be guided by that oath. Any judgment that he would make that conflicted with that promise would prove he is a liar and a con man.
Judge Michael Malihi's decision in the Obama eligibility case was in direct conflict with the US Constitution and in direct conflict with what Malihi had written four weeks previously.
Brian Kemp is not an ignorant man. But he is a stupid man. All dishonest people are stupid. The reason they cheat is because they are too stupid to win by playing by the rules.
Brian Kemp aligned with a bad ruling. The word "bad" in this story, in ancient times meant "evil". God was good, Satan was evil. God's advice and work was good. Satan's advice and work was evil.
The Synagogue of Satan is the collective body of bad people. We call it the SOS. It is an evil mind set that is in all cultures across the world. If a person is evil he is a member of the Synagogue of Satan. In this article SOS means only Synagogue Of Satan.
SOS Brian Kemp took the side of a bad decision made by an obviously evil man, Michael Malihi. He based his decision to side with Michael Malihi on the facts: 1. The Obama attorney presented NO EVIDENCE to prove Obama was eligible to be on the Georgia ballot which is the law in Georgia. The applicant is required by law to prove he is eligible. 2. The Obama attorney did not even show up to court, as ordered by a legally issued subpoena.
Consider that SOS Brian Kemp brags on his website that:
"Secretary Kemp achieved significant victories for both protection of election security and states rights when he filed suit against the U.S. Department of Justice to obtain pre-clearance of Georgia's verification system for new voter registration applicants, which includes citizenship. Georgia can now verify that voter registration applicants are who they say they are, and that they are U.S. citizens.
Finally, Secretary Kemp established the Secretary of State's Election Advisory Council, comprised of experienced election officials and leaders from across the state. The Council is tasked with reviewing the Georgia Election Code and State Election Board Rules, and making recommendations that improve and strengthen Georgia's election laws and procedures."
So, he knows it is proper that people who vote should prove they are eligible. But, a man with no documented history, who has spent a million dollars or more hiding his past, doesn't have to prove squat.
That seems evil to me.
And it gets more sinister. More treacherous.
One of the board members of SOS Kemp's Election Advisory Council is Michael Jablonski, the attorney representing Obama, who produced no evidence to prove Obama was eligible, and refused to attend the hearing, by refusing to respect a legally issued subpoena.
On the SOS website, http://www.sos.ga.gov/GAEAC you can see this list of SOS Kemp's Election Advisory Council members:
Lynn Bailey, Executive Director, Richmond County Board of Elections
Richard Barclift, Elections Superintendent, City of Chickamauga
Todd Blackwell, Baldwin County Probate Judge and Elections Superintendent
Nancy Boren, Director, Muscogee County Office of Elections and Voter Registration
State Senator Hardie Davis (D - Augusta)
State Representative Mark Hamilton (R - Cumming)
Mike Jablonski, General Counsel, Democratic Party of Georgia
State Representative Rusty Kidd (I - Milledgeville)
Beth Kish, Elections and Registration Manager, Cobb County Board of Elections & Registration
Anne Lewis, General Counsel, Georgia Republican Party
Charles Schwabe, Mayor, City of Swainsboro
David Shock, Associate Professor of Political Science, Kennesaw State University
Jeff "Bodine" Sinyard, Chairman, Dougherty County Commission
Charlotte Sosebee, Hall County Elections Director
State Senator Cecil Staton (R - Macon)
Are we to believe that these three men all came together in a united attempt, to violate and disregard our constitution, by coincidence?
SOS Brian Kemp has listed on his website that he is a member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia. If the leaders of that church are aware of his actions and they do not kick his traitorous butt out, then the church is a member of the Synagogue Of Satan.
Doesn't a church leader have a duty, a responsibility, to instruct his parishioners the words of God" To teach them the ways of God? And when he sees one of his members do wrong or stray from the laws of God doesn't he also have a responsibility to at least try to counsel that person and try to show him his evil ways?
When I see a person accept, condone or explain away the actions of an evil person, I know, that those two people are links in the chain of the Synagogue of Satan. They may not know each other, live thousands of miles apart and the members of the Synagogue of Satan will make excuses for another evil person.
Now for the religious part. Evil people operate best in the dark, with secrets, hiding themselves and their actions. When you confront them, they get scared. The reason there are so many rotten people running around in society is because we don't confront them. Evil lawmakers have written new rules to protect them. Most of them know their actions are detested by the good people. They may not think of themselves as evil, but they do know, that when discovered by us, they will suffer.
People who have acted like SOS Kemp are diagnosed as psychopath and/or sociopath. SOS Kemp is the kind of "Christian" who wears it on his sleeve to fool people. He is the kind who on Sunday, prays on his knees and the rest of the week, preys on his friends and neighbors.
So, confront them whenever you can. One simple truth in life is this: They are more afraid of us, than we are of them. Like all evil people, they hide behind lower level employees, but you have a Right to call anyone you want.
The next time you wonder why someone is such a crooked, rotten, devious liar, realize that they are a member of the SOS.
When you read an article in some publication and you see people in the comment section lying, posting false information or harassing other posters, just put their name in the SOS list and ignore them. Let them rant all they want. Just ignore them and they usually get hysterical, just like any 5 year old spoiled brat. It's actually quite fun to watch!
Mark S. McGrew
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