Russian nuclear arms horrify the USA more than North Korea and Bin Laden

Is everyone in the USA free to talk nonsense about Russia in very popular TV shows?

The Russian nuclear weapon never leaves US politicians and press in peace. News reports and press publications about possibilities for terrorists and criminal groups to get hold of the Russian nuclear weapons are countless.

FOX News channel, which does not seem to be indifferent to Russian arms, added more fuel to the fire last Sunday. The channel invited two outstanding American politicians, the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Pat Roberts, and the vice chairman, Jay Rockefeller, in the FOX on Sunday talk show.

The conversation was devoted to several rather important issues – the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the anti-terrorist struggle. It goes without saying that the two US officials touched upon the Russian arsenal, which poses a great concern for the USA. The US administration did not feel sorry to spend $10 billion on the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, the objective of which was to guarantee safety to Russian nuclear weapons and materials (the program has been in effect since 1991. However, it seems that Democratic Senator Rockefeller, who acted as an “expert” on Russia, is not aware of these facts.

According to Jay Rockefeller, the USA has to pay more attention to Russia than to North Korea and Iran. The politician believes that nuclear materials vanish in Russia. “We had a hearing last week in which they talked about loose nukes or unaccounted for nuclear weapons that the Russians had in their stockpile but which have disappeared. And I think that President Putin ought to be very worried about that within his own country, not only from Siberia, but also Chechnya, a former part of his country, et cetera. And I think that should be his focus. And I think it will be part of his focus,” Senator Rockefeller said.

”In the sense that half of the nuclear materials, pieces and parts of it, are unaccounted for by the Russians — and a lot of them, these places are in rural areas - I think you can legitimately look at North Korea and the unaccounted-for nuclear weapons parts in Russia and have a real debate as to which is more threatening to the world right now, because the point is that a lot of those people who protect those places can be bribed,” the senator told the awe-gripped audience of the show.

The USA is definitely a free country. However, does it mean that everyone there is free to talk nonsense in very popular TV programs, especially if this person is a well-known politician, who takes a high post in a central committee of the Senate. It is worth mentioning that Rockefeller did not substantiate his statements with any facts. Jay Rockefeller is not one of those politicians, who want Russia to be excluded from the Group of Eight for the denial to promote democracy. It is quite on the contrary: Rockefeller is certain that the USA should not worsen relations with Russia. It brings up the idea that the senator was simply not competent enough in the above-mentioned issue.

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Author`s name Olga Savka