Uzbek leader blames Pakistan for terrorist outburst

Pakistan has been once again rapped on the knuckles by Uzbek president Mr. Islam Karimov for illegally harbouring known centre for terrorism in South Vaziristan. It should be mentioned here that this is the third time  in the course of the past three times that the Uzbek leader openly blamed Pakistan.

Karimov also didn't spare neighbouring countries such Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Iran and directly accused England for harbouring the headquarters of one of the most dangerous religious organisation "Hizb ut-tahrir". A number of civilized countries of the world including Germany and 16 Arab countries have already prohibited the above-mentioned organization to operate on their territories but unfortunately till that date their headquarter is in England, added Uzbek president.
President of the Czech Republic V. Klaus is on a three day official tour to Uzbekistan and the above statement of Uzbek president was given during the joint press-conference in the state capital.

Following is the translation to the specific paragraph:

(Question) ITAR-TASS: Mr. President, before I ask my question please allow me to refer to certain facts. As known, the court trial of 16 terrorists has recently completed in Tashkent. As cleared up during the trial, one of the terrorists was a Kazakh national. It was Avaz Shoyusupov who had blasted an explosive device in the premises of Office of the Procurator General on 30 July 2004. A copy of his Kazakh passport was presented to the court. Three days back the First Deputy Chairman of National Security Committee of Kazakhstan, VLADIMIR GLUSHKO made a sensational statement that the territory of Kazakhstan was used for the transfer of terrorists to the training camps in Afghanistan. Of late the Deputy Procurator General of the Russian Federation, SERGEY FRIDINSKIY stated that one of the terrorists implicated in the developments in Beslan, Northern Ossetia-Alania was identified as a Kazakh national. Finally the special service of Saint-Petersburg has recently detained a group of Kazakhs armed with Kalashnikov machine gun. Speaking of these facts and in the context of combined efforts by Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in combating international terrorism we would like to hear your comment on this matter and the priority elements of the international fight against terrorism.

(Answer) President Islam Karimov: The question is very complicated. You understand that I find it improper to correct the facts known well today. As for the second part of the question, I will answer it in detail. The point is that today no country can feel secure against international terrorism. It is generally recognized that international terrorism is becoming a global menace. This is a fact to be accepted by those who still hope that they will manage to evade this scourge. Their tactics “don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you” is not just counter-productive, it is dangerous. There are certain political forces and states that believe that international terrorism should not be troubled. What is international terrorism?

Very few can answer this question. Everyone is under impression that terrorism is an immaterial phenomenon. It is the states that have been out of reach of terrorism that fail to answer this question. We consider international terrorism in three dimensions.

First, perpetrator, a creature deprived of sense and reason who is not able to understand that he is taking lives of innocent children. That is what happened in Beslan. Second, training grounds- centres for training perpetrators of acts of terrorism. Battalion of “suicide bombers”, battalion of “black widowers”, etc. In fact it is battalion of 300-400 suicide bombers ready to fulfill the will of their leaders. Say, the latest developments in Tashkent. Three sites-the Embassy of Israel, the US Embassy and Office of the Procurator General of Uzbekistan. The blasts had been perpetrated as per a thoroughly thought-out plan. All the criminals including those implicated in the developments of March-April 2004 had been trained in special camps. Where? In the territory of neighbouring countries including the neighbouring country. Third, centres that work out the scenario and technology. Killing others through suicide is a far-reaching objective. These centres are especially dangerous. They are a think tank that designs plans, mobilizes forces, sponsors and fulfills political tasks. Today terrorism is not an incidental phenomenon.

I state this firmly as the President of Uzbekistan. Terrorism, blasts and other acts of terrorism are thoroughly disguised but pursue specific objectives and have specific targets. Centres are the brain of terrorists. The terrorist network is so wide that it is difficult to name a specific target. We know that these centres are stationed in Pakistan, South Vaziristan and operate their virtually legally. I could name many such centres but I will not to avoid possible reaction. What are the priorities of the international fight against terrorism? Today no country is able to oppose international terrorism in the conditions of globalization and rapid development of communications. Even mobile phones today can be used as explosive devices. Therefore, a top priority is cooperation aimed at identification of the enemy and prevention of moves on his part. Prevention is the top priority. In this context we work very actively with Kazakh mass media, special service and National Security Committee. Our contacts are also a priority. First, we should declare illegal and ban the terror structures and organizations which have been globally identified as terrorist organizations. For instance, Hizb-ut-Tahrir. 16 Arab countries including Egypt and the motherland of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Jordan declared it illegal.

In Philippines members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir are sentences to capital punishment for the membership on this organization. Germany did the same. However, Hizb-ut-Tahrir is headquartered in London where they openly declare their claims and views. These organizations have to be banned. They are banned in 16 Arab countries, Uzbekistan and all civilized countries while Kazakhstan is just going to do so. Kyrghyz parliamentarians come out for the legalization of Hizb-ut-Tahrir. How can we fight terrorism in the absence of borders? Members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir freely cross borders, peacefully live in neighbouring countries, prepare brutal acts. Blast facilities, houses and people in Uzbekistan. Secondly, we should strictly regulate registration of religious organizations and in the first instance those of Islamic mentality. As per the data available, out of 1600 religious organizations operating in South Kazakhstan only 400 were registered. Certain clerical educational institutions have the right to recruit students in Kyrghyzstan and Kazakhstan and send them to clerical schools in Pakistan, Iran and other countries. We do not know what they are taught their. I can name dozens of such institutions. I believe that the Kazakh side supports us. I repeatedly discussed these issues with the President of Kazakhstan, he treats them with understanding. Most of those who had committed crimes in 1999 in Uzbekistan eventually fled to the neighbouring countries including South Kazakhstan. They live in good conditions, got passports, I do not know how. The people declared out of the law in Uzbekistan live legally around us. They can commit a crime and in an hour reach the territory of Kazakhstan. Can three million residents of Tashkent feel secure in such environment? Can we reach the criminals in the territory of a neighbouring country? We cannot consider normal this state of affairs. I am sorry for speaking too much on this topic but it is too serious to be neglected.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov