Genocide in Kosovo

By evacuating Serbs from the towns of Kosovo, Nato peacekeepers admitted their inability to protect Serbs from extremists.
There is no exact information on the number of victims of the clashes in Kosovo. The figure of 31 dead and 500 wounded was named, but there may be more victims as the ethnic violence continues. Big reinforcements for Nato peacekeepers have started arriving in Kosovo.

Click here to see photos of the ethnic clashes in Kosovo. 

Obviously, ethnic violence in Kosovo is a planned action – attacks on Serbs started simultaneously in all Kosovo towns and villages with Serbian population. Albanian leaders are pursuing the purpose of establishing Albanian mono-ethnical state in Kosovo.

After the end of the war in Yugoslavia, Albanian majority was forcing Serbs out of the region. Not only Serbs, but also people of other nations were leaving Kosovo. Before the war, there were 2 million of Albanians, 200 thousand of Serbs, 100 thousand of Gypsies and 30 thousand of Turks in the region. For the last 5 years, the number of non-Albanians in the region decreased twice. The non-Albanians who remained in the Kosovo are taken to schools and work in the armored vehicles of multinational police and peace-keeping troops.

The ethnic clashes have demonstrated that the only thing multinational peacekeepers are able to do is taking Serbs and Gypsies to one place and guard them from attacks there. What are the Serbs and Gypsies supposed to do after the cease of the clashes? To return to their destroyed, robbed and burned houses? To sue Albanians and demand compensation for the damage?

Even if the outburst of the ethnic violence in the region can be stopped, this will not guarantee normalization of the situation in Kosovo. Albanian majority is very close to realizing its dream – proclaiming independence for Kosovo and driving all other nations out of the region.

For the last five years the UN police and multinational peace-keeping troops did nothing for mitigating the ethnic conflicts in the region. No leaders of Albanian extremists were arrested (although they were wiping out Serbian population, and this resulted in 1,000 dead, according to official information).  On the contrary, the extremist leaders are consolidating their influence among the Albanian population of the region. Former militants of Kosovo Liberation Army are keeping plenty of weapons, and are using these weapons in the ethnic clashes. This is the multinational peace-keepers’ fault – they preferred not to interfere for the sake of “not exploding the situation in the region”. The result of this escape from problems was predictable….

Meanwhile, the commander for the international peace-keeping force in Kosovo general Holger Kammerholf rejected the request of Serbian President Voislav Kostunica to allow Serbian Security Force to participate in stopping ethnic violence in Kosovo and Metohia. “There will be no cooperation between KFOR and Serbian Security Force”, said the general. Serbian President Voislav Kostunica stopped saying that Kosovo is a part of Serbia and is just requesting territorial autonomy for the Serbs living in the region. However, this request is unlikely to be paid any attention.

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Author`s name Marina Lebedeva