WWIII breaking out in the Middle East

Israel and USA brewing another major conflict in the Middle East

Anglo-Saxons are using Israel and Azerbaijan to force Iran to respond to the UAV bombing of its military facilities. Iran may show a response that on one is expecting. Annexing Azerbaijani Nakhichevan could be one of the options.

Zhirinovsky's forecast comes true

A group of unidentified UAVs attacked Iran on Sunday night. The Wall Street Journal said that the attack was conducted by Israel under the auspices of the United States.

"Israel carried out a drone strike targeting a defense compound in Iran, as the U.S. and Israel look for new ways to contain Tehran's nuclear and military ambitions, according to U.S. officials and people familiar with the operation," the WSJ wrote.

The attack on a military facility in Isfahan (an ammunition depot) was conducted following a magnitude 6 earthquake in the northwestern part of Iran. A fire broke out at a motor oil factory in the city of Azershahr. The fire may have occurred as a result of the quake.

However, a timing coincidence made some assume that it was not an earthquake, but a huge explosion, possibly a nuclear one, that took place at an Iranian nuclear facility due to either a targeted strike or an act of sabotage.

Explosions have occurred at Iranian nuclear facilities before:

  • in July 2020 and April 2021 — at the nuclear facility in Natanz;
  • in June 2021 — at the nuclear facility in Karaj.

There were no long-term forecasts for the situation to aggravate back then.

Today, however, UAV attacks have caused a wave of panic about a possibility for Iran to launch its own special military operation that may subsequently trigger WWIII. Many began to quote Vladimir Zhirinovsky's prediction on this topic.

Israel's motives have long been known and have been repeatedly expressed.

The main actors of the future war determined

Zhirinovsky's forecast is related to the incident at the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, which caused Azerbaijan to evacuate the embassy. The Germans also promised to do the same on Monday. It is an open secret that the evacuation of diplomatic missions comes as a harbinger of war.

Afterwards, two terrorist attacks took place in Jerusalem. The head of the Qatar Foreign Ministry, who mediates regional US-Iran talks, arrived in Tehran. It is worthy of note that CIA Director William Burns was in Israel, and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken landed there too.

In a conversation with Al-Arabiya, Blinken said that Iran rejected the proposal to return to the agreement. Tehran supports Russia in the Ukrainian crisis, he added, by sending drones and missiles to the Russian Armed Forces (which Moscow and Tehran do not confirm). It just so happens that USA's ultimatum to Iran was not successful.

According to Arab media, on Monday night, UAVs attacked Iranian food trucks in Syria. Iran has not confirmed other terrorist attacks, but it is obvious that the situation has deteriorated sharply as there is a massive anti-Iranian information attack unfolding.

Ukraine confirmed its involvement in events

"The war furiously pursues criminals and accomplices. A night of explosions in Iran. UAV and missile productions, an oil refinery. Ukraine has warned you," Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to Zelensky's office wrote on Twitter.

"Very difficult days are in store for Ukraine after today!" IRGC Telegram Channel wrote alluding to growing Russia-Iran cooperation.

Conflict with Iran to be unleashed through Azerbaijan

The channel also said that Israel could arrange a large-scale provocation in Azerbaijan, and Iran would be accused of organising it. Such a development will entail serious consequences up to a full-fledged war. Given that the Anglo-Saxons are behind the operation, this does not look impossible.

Iran does not need a conflict at all, since the country is far from being stabilised.

According to Yuzik Talk Telegram channel, protests have been shattering the regime of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei since September. They sparked after the death of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini on September 16. Four national provinces of Iran have been engulfed by protests:

  • The Kurdish region of Kermanshah (borders with Iraq);
  • Ahvaz in the southwest — ethnic Arabs who border the Sunni monarchies across the Persian Gulf (oil-producing provinces);
  • Sunni-populated Balochistan in the southeast (the population of the region is very angry with the mullahs for countless hangings during protests;
  • Iranian Azeri — almost 1/3 of the population living on the border with Azerbaijan.

In addition, "domestic veterans of intelligence (MOIS) are trying to crush the influence of the IRGC (Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps), planning a post-Khamenei era already today," Yuzik writes.

How Iran will respond to Israel and Azerbaijan

Tehran has previously responded to such attacks with strikes against Israeli ships in the Persian Gulf and in the Red Sea. Iran has a 1.5-million-strong army. Iran may have built its nuclear bomb too. Iran has a close-knit Shiite world — the union of the Shiite territories of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan. This is a very strong axis.

Iran may respond to Azerbaijan by annexing Nakhichevan. The Nakhichevan People's Movement stated that the people of Nakhichevan wanted to join Iran.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev suddenly began to take control of this autonomous enclave, which in 30 years has turned into an autonomous enclave of Turkey rather than Azerbaijan.

The United States intends to kill two birds with one stone. It is important for Washington to put an end to Russia's plans to create a southern transport corridor through Iran to India, as well as to interrupt any other cooperation. Central banks of Russia and Iran signed an agreement on cooperation to facilitate financial and banking operations to build a direct connection between Iranian and Russian banks. Iran will thus be directly connected to 106 foreign banks. Iran's financial channels with the rest of the world are being restored, Iranian Central Bank Chairman Mohammad Reza Farzin said.

Political scientist Yuri Baranchik wrote in his Telegram channel that if the United States decided to openly oppose Iran, Russia would supply modern air defence systems to Tehran to enhance Iran's air defences.

In addition, another conflict in the Middle East will force the United States to reduce pressure on Russia on the Ukrainian issue, where the Anglo-Saxons have been upping their game lately including in terms of nuclear escalation. This may also give Xi Jinping a free hand as far as the Taiwan issue is concerned.

To crown it all, a new conflict in the Middle East will affect prices on oil and gas in the world. Fuel prices will grow, and Russia will only profit from that.

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Author`s name Lyuba Lulko
Editor Dmitry Sudakov