The West will not leave Russia alone after Ukraine. A completely different war is next

After Ukraine, the West will declare a completely different war on Russia

Latvian President Egils Levits wants to isolate unpatriotic Russian residents of the republic. This is an undisguised call for ethnic cleansing, and Russia will respond to it.

An undisguised call for ethnic cleansing of Russians in Latvia

In an interview with Latvian Radio, Levits said that a part of the Latvian society was unpatriotic. Those people do not want to follow the course of the government, the Latvian president said.

"Our task is to deal with it [this particular part of the Latvian society — ed.] and isolate it from the rest of the society," the president said.

This is, in fact, an undisguised call for ethnic cleansing.

It just so happens that it is a large part of the Latvian society that will have to be isolated. As of January 1, 2022, there were 454,350 people of Russian origin living in Latvia out of the total population of 1,875,757. In other words, it goes about 24.22 percent of the country's population. Of these, 302,230 people are citizens of Latvia (66.52%), and 120,205 people are so-called non-citizens of Latvia (26.46%).

The "unpatriotic" part of the Russians oppose the demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers who liberated Latvia from fascism. Throughout the post-war years, thousands of people would gather at the monument to the Liberators of Riga on May 9 to celebrate the victory of the Red Army over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

Today, the monument has been dismantled, and those who dared to stand up for it were detained and jailed.

How Russians will be isolated in Latvia

The only defender of this part of the population is the Russian Union of Latvia party. The party stood up against the demolition of the monument in Pārdaugava on August 22, but the city authorities did not allow the party to hold a protest rally without explanation.

Russian Union of Latvia Co-Chairman Miroslav Mitrofanov expressed his conviction at the court appeal session that the decision aroused indignation and misunderstanding in the already divided society. According to him, the municipality of Riga "grossly violated" Article 15 of the Constitution about the right to freedom of assembly.

Such protests and accusations will not stop fascists, therefore:

  • The Russian Union of Latvia will be teetering on the brink of closure;
  • Russians in Latvia will be deprived of all rights related to the protection of their identity;
  • direct economic repressions will be added to existing political and social restrictions (e.g. exclusion from business, higher education, career advancement, lending, etc);
  • political deportations and trials will be conducted on a regular basis;
  • ghetto for those who disagree with the fascist course — if you don't want to leave, you will be under control 24/7.

The Russian Federation reacted to the demolition of the monument to the Liberators of Riga. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under Article 243 Part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provided for liability for damage or destruction of monuments dedicated to Soviet soldiers, both on the territory of Russia and abroad.

The resolution of the Investigative Committee states that the demolition of the monument in Pardaugava was directed against the interests of the Russian Federation in terms of the preservation of the historical memory of the activities of the USSR during the Second World War."

Political scientist and journalist Alexander Nosovich believes that the demolition of the monument and all other incidents of the Baltic escapade of the recent weeks came as a recognition of Russia's strength rather than weakness.

"Russia will come to them. When the President of Latvia calls to deal with the Latvian Russians, to isolate them from the society for supporting Russia, when Lithuania is looking for pretexts to block the Kaliningrad region, and Estonia advocates Russian ships out of the Gulf of Finland, Russia cannot but come," Alexander Nosovich wrote in his Telegram channel.

The head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, in an article for The Telegraph, called for the complete eradication of the monstrous new ideology of the Russian world. Considering that it is the Russians who carry this ideology, it means that one should exterminate the Russians.

In turn, the Ukrainian ambassador to Kazakhstan called for the killing of as many Russians as possible. The Germans and other Westerners while shouting "Glory to Ukraine" support the Balts and Poland. The day is not far off when they will also call for ethnic cleansing of Russians — there are about 4 million of them in Germany, for example.

A new Reich is being formed in Europe, and it will declare the Russians 'subhuman' for supporting their president. This will happen sooner or later, and one will have to get ready for a completely different war after the operation in Ukraine comes to an end.

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Author`s name Lyuba Lulko