The last stand of the pro-German Mattarella

The last stand of the pro-German Mattarella

By Federico Dezzani

The presidential veto to the appointment of Paolo Savona as Minister of Economy has killed the M5S-League government in the bud: it is a temporary stop because the parliamentary stalemate will inevitably force to dissolve the Chambers and call for new elections in the autumn. Indeed, the task assigned to the former IMF's man, Carlo Cottarelli, brings new water to the mill of populists, launched towards an overwhelming victory once the impossibility of carrying forward the legislature will be established. Behind the Nye of Mattarella hides the desire to defend the integrity of the Eurozone of which Angela Merkel and Mario Draghi are the last custodians: the Trump-Macron axis instead looks with sympathy to the Italian populists, considering them an indispensable tool to undermine the German "Europe".

A big step towards the encirclement of Germany

The situation is getting more and more excited in Italy and in Europe, a symptom that the break of the old equilibrium is near. On Sunday 27 May, the President of the Republic vetoed the appointment of the Eurosceptic Paolo Savona to the Ministry of Economy, thus burying the fragile government M5S-Lega: despite the appointment for the formation of a new executive has been assigned to the ex-IMF Carlo Cottarrelli, it is now inevitable that the eighteenth legislature will quickly come to an end, presumably in the autumn. It could even be said that Mattarella's move is a resounding gift to the M5S-League lineup, which will allow the populists to galvanize the electorate and fill votes at the polls.

On the Italian scene and its location in the broader international context, we wrote 48 hours before as Mattarella, in an unexpected move, cut off the Conte government in the bud: in particular, we underlined how the M5S-Lega government had been assembled by the Anglo-Americans to unhinge the Eurozone monopolized by Berlin, pushing it to abandon the single currency. A Germany, we said, that continues to reap enormous benefits from the single currency, but rather than engaging in the European project, it is increasingly moving away from the Atlantic orbit to get closer to the great Eurasian powers. China and Russia. Leaving the analytical system intact, with all that remains to incardinate the latest developments.

Let's start with the figure of the President of the Republic. Sergio Mattarella enters the Quirinale in February 2015, when Prime Minister is Matteo Renzi, the Elysée is held by François Hollande, Downing Street by "the Europeanist" David Cameron, the White House by Barack Obama, the Federal Chancellery by Angela Merkel and the ECB by Mario Draghi. Almost none of the aforementioned politicians is more in charge. In the last two years, the West has been hit by the "populist" wave that has pushed England out of the European Union (thus ending the career of Cameron), the Eurosceptic Donald Trump has taken office in the White House and Matteo Renzi was overwhelmed by the elections of last March. The ex-Rothschild Emmanuel Macron took up residence at the Elysée, which, curiously, developed a very close relationship with Trump, positioning France on strictly Atlantic positions (think of the recent tripartite bombing of Syria). The last guardians of the old Euro-Atlantic order undergoing major restructuring survived, painfully, only in two: Angela Merkel and Mario Draghi. The chancellor and the governor of the ECB are united by a peculiarity: both have linked their name to the survival of the Euro. The first, as was noted during the Greek crisis of 2015, defending the integrity of the Eurozone by taking up the cudgels; the second one pronounces the famous "whatever it takes" which, for better or for worse, guaranteed the survival of the Eurozone for six years.

Merkel and Draghi are the ones who have exerted pressure on Mattarella to block the appointment as Minister of Economy of Paolo Savona, due to the Anglo-Saxon establishment on Euro-skeptical positions (like the same bank Mediobanca to which Savona has always been close to). Mattarella, even with a certain coherence with his career in the left of the Italian Christian Democracy and "Europeanist", has bowed to the demands of Berlin, thus vetoing the name of Savona. The move is hopeless and, more than anything else, serves to testify to his personal will to defend the single currency until the end. The nomination of Cottarrelli, almost certainly destined to sink, further inflates the sails of the populists, who march towards the next elections with certainty of victory: further increasing their parliamentary seats, they can re-propose themselves in the presence of Mattarella with any list of ministers, having the safety that they are accepted, including Savona. Provided that, of course, the 82-year-old former protégée of the former President of Republic Francesco Cossiga [now dead] is not destined for even more prestigious positions than the Ministry of Economy.

With the polls closed and the victory of the populists certified, the problem of Sergio Mattarella will arise, whose mandate ends formally in 2022. Someone really thinks that the President of the Republic, already hated by the current Parliament, can survive the next, moved on even more intransigent positions? No, the "Third Republic" will want to elect its head of state, which must above all be in tune with the United States of Trump and Britain post-Brexit: that's why it would not be risky to bet on the climb of Paolo Savona to the office.

Mattarella's veto was greeted with relief by the German press, which immediately saw the risk of a hated Italian government "anti-Europeanist" being immediately removed. On the other hand, those who had opened the yellow-green government, using conciliatory tones that surprised many (but not us), was Macron's France: "Macron's outstretched hand to Conte: Impatient to work together" titled the Republic the evening of 25 May:

Macron's openness to the yellow-green government is part of the growing convergence between Paris and Washington, recently culminating with Macron's visit to the White House: France and the United States are also approaching anti-German function and this is why the Elysée tenant greeted with cordiality the yellow-green executive. The more the French are strengthening ties with the US and England, the more they are moving away from Germany: the cold with which the Germans have accepted the proposals with which Macron intends to reform the Eurozone, indicates that the Franco-German engine belongs now more to the imaginary than to reality.

Ultimately, the "encirclement" of Germany proceeds: the Anglo-Americans have already drawn Macron's France from them, they are working to recreate the Polish-led Intermarium and, with the next populist government, they will also add Italy to the anti-German deployment, decisive move because Rome is still a founding country of the European Union. The "German" Sergio Mattarella will be inexorably destined to resign in the new geopolitical context. The end of the eurozone, as we know it today, looms: across the Atlantic, they work to make the Germanexit.


Original article by Federico Dezzani:

Translation by Costantino Ceoldo - Pravda freelance


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