Trump choices: Impeachment, electors' rebellion or assassination

Hillary Clinton's supporters continue to militate against the election of Donald Trump. An ally of the Democratic Party, the leader of the Green Party Jill Stein has donated $3.5 million to the administration of the State of Wisconsin to recount the results of the presidential election.

Three other states, where Trump won, will also receive large amounts of money. Meanwhile, leading American media offer electors not to vote for the Republican. 

Six electors have already refused to support Donald Trump and said that they have altered their choice in favor of Hillary Clinton. Noteworthy, Donald Trump received 306 electors' votes against Hillary Clinton's 232. 

In fact, the Republican has won the election owing to his victory in three states, which, according to sociologists' forecasts, were expected to support Clinton. Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes, Michigan - 16, and Pennsylvania - 20. If these three states had voted for Clinton, she would have taken office as President.  

The electors will vote on December 19, and the name of the of the next president will be announced the day afterwards. Chief researcher of the Institute for the Studies of the USA and Canada, political scientist Vladimir Vasilyev, told the Izvestia newspaper that the Democratic Party and Clinton initiated a "special operation to stop Donald Trump from entering the White House." 

According to him, the electors have fallen under unprecedented pressure. "There is a real special operation going on to lobby them. The Democrats are doing everything possible to make them to not vote for Trump. Six electors have already refused to cast their vote for the Republican, and the number of turncoats may grow during the upcoming two weeks."  

Leading US media urge electors to vote for Clinton. For example, Time magazine published an article titled "The Electoral College Was Created to Stop Demagogues Like Trump."  The Atlantic did the same: "The Electoral College Was Meant to Stop Men Like Trump From Being President." Here is a headline from The Washington Post: "The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton."

American political scientist and director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute, Richard Weitz, believes that Trump will become president anyway. 

He recalled that Hillary Clinton, the leaders of the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama acknowledged Trump's victory. According to him, US media do write a lot about the need for electors to revise the vote results, but there is no serious discussion on the subject in Washington. Even if it happens, he added, Clinton will not be able to serve as president normally.  

Political scientist Stephen Ebert emphasized that all of Clinton's attempts to torpedo the process of electing the President of the United States Trump will come to nothing lead.

Clinton's headquarters are using Maidan technologies against Trump for the third time already. At first, they staged protest actions in the streets, in which activists would be delivered to Donald Trump's buildings to vandalise them a little and create certain media images. Then, they tried to blame Russian hackers for breaking into electronic election systems serving it as a reason to cancel the election results. The vote recount is the third and probably the final or the last but one attempt to put pressure on Trump in terms of his domestic and foreign policy. 

Political scientist Ruslan Ostashko writes that Trump's opponents in Wisconsin referred to Russian hackers in their official complaint to recount the results of the vote. A Wisconsin judge, who listened to the case, ordered to recount the vote on the same machines, although Clinton's supporters wanted to have that done manually. This is all one needs to know about the recounting of votes in the USA.  

After this election, no one in the world will take seriously lessons of honest elections  and transparent democracy from the United States. The whole world will feel at ease, if the Americans finally shut their mouths, at least for a while. 

Some experts believe that Donald Trump can be killed. Republic Broadcasting Network host and author of The Common Sense Show Dave Hodges compared Trump to Robert Kennedy's election campaign and noted that in both cases the elites had serious reasons to see the candidate dead.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov