Islamism is not the main external threat to the United States. During the time of the two cold wars, the relations between Russia and Germany used to be and still remain a threat to America. The Anglo-Saxons make the two nations fight against each other. Today, it is the "cordon sanitaire" made from satellite countries that is to play the role of agent provocateur. Germany is waiting, but the Russian Federation is looking for an asymmetric response.
"Our main task is to prevent the union of Russia and Germany, because, together, they represent the only real and dangerous threat to the US," George Friedman, the head of the influential private intelligence firm Stratfor, said at a meeting of the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs. The Forum was held on February 4, 2015.
Also read: Russia wants Germany to pay trillions for attacking USSR in 1941
"The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars-the First, the Second and Cold Wars-has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united there, they're the only force that could threaten us. And to make sure that that doesn't happen." he said.
Friedman does not call to send troops to Ukraine, but urges to follow the principle of "divide and rule." "We must do as the British did. They did not at one time occupied India, but simply took control of individual Indian kingdoms and set them against each other, and they placed their officers in the Indian Army," George Friedman said.
But if Russia continues to cling to Ukraine, the USA will have to stop it, he stated. To do this, the United States started building rapid deployment forces in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic States. With the help of these actions, according to Friedman, the US is working on a "cordon sanitaire" or the area between the Baltic and Black Seas. The area will be a pro-American buffer zone between Russia and Germany.
According to Friedman, it is too early to include Ukraine in this zone. The zone currently includes Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic countries.
Also read: Germany becomes Russia's closest partner in Europe and whole world
Friedman does not doubt the success of the mission, but he does have doubts about Germany's reaction. Indeed, such a zone lies outside Germany's economic interests as far as Germany's trade with Russia is concerned. Friedman admitted that Germany had a very unique relationship with Russia. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is a member of the board of directors of Gazprom, he added. Germany is a major economic power, but it is very weak geopolitically. The Germans do not know whom they are going to sell their products tomorrow, Friedman said.
Friedman, as they say, sees the devil of geopolitics in the details. Halford Mackinder, one of the founders of the London School of Economics, is also considered to be one of the founding father of global geopolitics. In 1904, he created Heartland - the central part of Eurasia, and then - the inner arc (Europe - Arabia - Indochina) and the peripheral arc (America - Africa - Oceania). Mackinder said that the one who controls Heartland (Russia) would rule the inner arc - the whole world, that is.
Even though the British conquered the lands of the inner and peripheral arcs and expropriated their wealth, they will not be able to rule the world, because they have never conquered Heartland (Russia), the author wrote.
Also read: Russia and Germany: 1000 years of relations
However, at the turn of 19-20 centuries, the US elite, in alliance with their British ideologues, obtained an opportunity to "neutralize" Russia, Joe Quinn wrote in his article "Rise of Russia and the End of the World" published on Quinn wrote that the Anglo-Saxons had orchestrated all wars against Russia, starting with the Russian-Japanese war of 1905. Moreover, the wars had been conducted through Germany's hands.
"World War I was a boon for the USA. It went from owing foreigners $4.5 billion in 1914 to being owed $25 billion by foreigners in 1928, including Europe's war debt. As a result, much of Europe's gold also ended up in Fort Knox. Professor of economics Michael Hudson claims that the motivation for massive US government financial claims on Europe was political rather than economic," Quinn wrote in the article.
"The most important result of World War I was not "the destruction of the royal dynasties that ruled Germany, Russia, Austria and Italy", but the "shift in the world's center of gravity from Europe, where it had existed since the days of Marathon, to America," Joe Quinn also wrote.
And then further: "During the 1920s Russian industry was effectively rebuilt by US corporations, with several of Lenin's five-year plans financed by Wall Street banks. The aim was to prepare Russia for WWII, where it effectively won the war for the allies but was largely ruined (again) in the process and, like the other European powers, incurred massive debt to Wall Street and London bankers," the author said.
Also read: Will Germany attack Russia again?
Today, Germany remains politically dependent on the United States, so the question arises as to what confuses Friedman. And the answer is simple - facts. Last year, Germany tried to release its gold reserves but failed. Germany organized Minsk-2 talks on the Ukrainian crisis. Germany, more than any other country, expresses its outrage, albeit on the level of the business community, about the impositions of sanctions against Russia, from which Germany suffers enormous damage. To crown it all, the Germans are not silly to realize that the Anglo-Saxons are trying to set Russia and Germany apart again.
Friedman says that Russia will be losing influence in Ukraine. No, it will not. Russia will be creating Novorossiya, and when Ukrainian ultras come to Europe, the "sanitary zone" will collapse by itself.
Russian President Putin destroys the monopoly of the Western banking elite that had been built for over 100 years, says Joe Quinn. Putin's plan, as it seems, is not limited to the liberation of Russia - it also includes the idea of using Russia's influence to build a "new world order."
Lyuba Lulko
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