Wikileaks shows Saudi wild party with Alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes

An American diplomatic document reveals a secret party of a Saudi Prince with alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes. In yet another flurry of secret documents of U.S. diplomacy, the site WikiLeaks showed, in great detail, a Halloween party organized by a wealthy Saudi prince in the city of Jeddah (Jeddah in Arabic), with the highest quality drink, drugs and sex with prostitutes.

One of the secret documents, dated 18/11/2009, reported: "Behind the facade of Wahhabi conservatism on the streets, the nightlife for the young elite of Jeddah is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available - alcohol, drugs, sex - but strictly behind closed doors. "

Local American consulate officials were invited to the Halloween party, an all-American date, at the mansion of a young Saudi prince in Jeddah. The prince's name was omitted from the document, as the diplomats themselves acknowledge that their names should be withheld. The only clue is that this Prince belongs to the Al Thunayan huge family.

Off the list of heirs to the throne, the host is one of the thousands of princes who enjoy the millionaire life of the royalty to protect their mansions and succeed, with 24 hour security at the gate, and to escape the strict morality imposed on citizens in the streets.

Alcohol is strictly banned in all of Saudi Arabia, which punishes the possession of drugs with long jail sentences and public flogging.

According to reports from the document of American diplomacy, there was no sign of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice at the party with 150 youths, all aged between 20 and 30 years. The discreet clothes that they use in the streets were removed at the door to reveal party clothes.

"The place resembled a nightclub anywhere outside of the realm: too much alcohol, young couples dancing, a DJ on the soundboard and the whole world of fantasy," says the document, one of the 250,000 posted on the site WikiLeaks.

Alcohol, although prohibited by law and by Saudi custom, was abundant in a well-stocked bar of the party. The Filipino bartenders served a cocktail with Sadiqi, a drink made locally. "We also learned through word of mouth, several invited were 'working girls', as is common at these parties," the document continues.

The document, signed by the consul in Jeddah, Martin Quinn added: "Although we have not directly witnessed this event, cocaine and hashish are common in these social circles."

A young Saudi who was at the party told one of the American diplomats that "the increasing conservatism of our society in recent years only changed social interaction to the inside of people's homes."

Jidá, sometimes written Jeddah, Jiddah or Jedá is a city in Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea coast. It is the largest urban center on the West Coast and second largest city in Saudi Arabia after the capital, Riyadh. It has about 3.4 million inhabitants. It has been also considered the commercial capital of Saudi Arabia and the richest in the Middle East and Western Asia.

In Saudi Arabia, the Quran was revealed by the prophet Mohammed, the religion which he called Islam. At present, the country's constitution is based on the Koran and on the monotheistic redemptions that Muhammad Abd Al-Wahhab made on the Quran and the Sunnah.

The public practice of any religion other than Islam is prohibited. This measure is the target of criticism from various entities around the world. In 2003, for example, a report by the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom (committee for religious freedom), a U.S. government organization that investigates violations of religious freedom in the world, called Saudi Arabia the greatest violator of religious freedoms.

Several cases, including the recent one of Mohammad al-Harbi, a Saudi high school teacher sentenced to 40 months in prison and 750 lashes in public for having discussed the Bible and for having given a positive image of Judaism to his students, have given rise to a international public condemnation.

Antonio Carlos Lacerda




Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova


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Author`s name Oksana Orlovskaya