Our Opponents Don’t Want Russia to be Strong and Prosperous - 15 October, 2002

This is an extract from the speech at Duma sessions dedicated to the situation in the Kaliningrad region in connection with the EU expansion

The problem under discussion is extremely urgent today and demands closer attention of governmental authorities, public political and academic organizations and mass media. It is not accidental that Russian President Putin paid special attention to the problem of the Russian city of Kaliningrad at the session in the RF Foreign Ministry on June 11, 2002 and was said as the main priority in the Russian foreign policy.

Quick development of the world processes, tendency toward forming a one-pole world and establishment of a new world order makes us consider the Kaliningrad problem in the light of preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the globalization process.

Currently, we observe that influence of transnational financial groups on events in the world is increasing and they are transforming into a multi-national center of global management. At that, the process of revision the fundamental international law norms is aimed at breaking the restrictions of governmental sovereignty in independent states. Thus, regarding realization of the globalization model, which is currently a deadlock model, we should admit that strengthening of the state system in some states and globalization that removes state sovereignty, are antipode.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the man who still exerts considerable influence upon formation of the US foreign policy, developed a geopolitical aspect of globalization. He says, the shortest way to a global world system goes through US’s all-round hegemony. That is why he is sure that objective of the US policy should consist of two items. These are the necessity to secure its predominant position and necessity to create a geopolitical structure which can soften the tension caused by the forced remaking of the world during establishment of the new world order.

The Russian Federation takes a special place in the plans designed for a new world order due to its wide potential and civilized originality. Our opponents don’t want Russia to be strong and prospering, they think it is to be scattered, weak and exhausted. And we are aware of the plans of some international forces designed to bring Russia to this poor level.  When a group of Russian deputies went for professional retraining in Harvard, they heard scientists from the University, the US Foreign Department openly say that the USA was actually the leading world power. As you see, no special role is assigned to the Russian Federation at that.

Let’s remember the speech of Ex-President of  the USA Bill Clinton at a closed session of the United Committee of HQ commanders on October 25, 1995. The ex-president outlined concrete objectives for bringing the Russian Federation to the third-rate level, and what is more, he obviously directed  the American military and political elite toward splitting Russia into small states by waging international wars, the way it was done in Yugoslavia.

It was also extremely cynical from Zbigniew Brzezinski to speak out at a closed session of the US-Ukrainian advisory committee dedicated to conferring him the rank of the Lvov Citizen of Honor, when he said that the US-led new world order was created against Russia, at Russia’s expense and on its debris.

In the globalization context, the Kaliningrad region and South Kurile are the snare with which our opponents try Russia’s strength concerning territorial integrity and state sovereignty. Against this background, the thesis on the EU line directed at estrangement of the Kaliningrad region from the Russian Federation sounds well-founded. 
Georgy Maitakov
Deputy Duma Chairman for Security problems

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Author`s name Michael Simpson