Looking for love on dating websites has its own hidden dangers

The number of people that get registered on dating websites counts up millions. Is it actually possible to find your match among such a huge crowd of candidates? Experts say that selecting a photo to be sent to such web sites and filling up a questionnaire are particularly important things that require much attention. What is more, there are some hidden dangers that people can come across when just starting their search of a match on web sites. How can one make his presentation remarkable to attract the attention of more candidates?

It may seem incredible that residents of megapolises who every day meet hundreds of people on the way to their offices, communicate with dozens of other people right in the offices and even go to the cinema still feel absolutely lonely. When terribly tired of this loneliness people find ways to meet a lover, a friend, a spouse or just a company.

Psychologists insist that lonely people must not isolate themselves from the society and frequently go to public places where they have a chance to meet new friends. Now that information technologies and the Internet are widely spreading people resort to these new means to solve their loneliness problem, they visit dating websites.

Dating websites are really very convenient, and their number is increasing. What people should do to get registered on a dating website is to fill up a questionnaire and send his best pictures there. One would expect that good candidates may appear as soon as one completes the procedure and presses the button Send. However, you need to realize that your candidature will become just one of the other hundreds registered on a web site, and you are running the risk of getting lost among other candidates. The number of male Muscovites aged 45 registered on a website of this type makes up 1,502 and the number of female Muscovites who seek love and friendship on the website is 3,072.

Habitues of dating websites have outlined important recommendations for newly registered candidates how to make their presentations more effective for finding good partners.

First of all it is particularly important to attach a picture to a questionnaire you fill up on a dating website. Other people will certainly not like to talk to or to write to a person that they cannot see at least on a picture. At the same time be not that silly to send the picture of some celebrity instead of your own one as you will look ridiculous. These should be a couple of your best pictures that show you smiling. In case you chose sending your nude picture be ready to receive a storm of indecent proposals in return.

Let it be a couple of your best recent portraits not a picture against any vivid background. Portrait is the best way to show your eyes to people. Please mind the interior that may appear on your pictures: there should be no items that would reveal your slovenliness or low income. It is quite enough to send from two to four pictures.

Avoid making mistakes in the questionnaire that you fill up. Better check the spelling in Microsoft’s Word as it is no good to sound illiterate.

Make your story perfectly remarkable to draw other people’s attention. It is nice when candidates on dating websites show their sense of humor.

Honesty is the basic line you must keep to when start searching a partner on a dating website. It is awful when people just waste time because of your or other people’s dishonesty.

Try to fill up the maximal number of questionnaire items to tell about your various likes and dislikes to make your portrait perfectly complete. At that, be very attentive when reading other candidates’ forms and try to read between the lines.

Wait a little with accepting the offer to meet in real life or giving your phone number. Better have exhaustive talks with a partner online to be able to learn more about him or tell more about yourself. It is reasonable to devote enough to time to finding out if this partner will actually suit you or not.

Do not hesitate to take the initiative no matter if you are a male or a female. It may happen so that you will miss your wonderful chance because of unreasonable modesty.

Some people doubt that one can find a good match on an Internet dating site. However, there are happily married couples who met on such dating websites. So, try even this modern way of finding friends or spouses to get rid of loneliness.

Gulya Brik

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov