Peculiarities of men's style in clothing reveal their habits and family goals

Buttons, the length of trousers and the number of empty holes on the belt can tell a lot about your man

There were times when men tucked their sweaters in trousers and trousers were tucked in shoes. Nowadays our men look neat and smart; all the others are not ours, thank God. Buttons, the length of trousers and the number of empty holes on the belt can tell a lot. It is time to reveal their secrets and to satisfy women’s curiosity.

There are men with hints. Their garments always peep out. Their unbuttoned collar shows a tiny part of t-shirt. The shirt's collar is visible at the neckline of a pullover. Just a centimeter of a cuff peeps out from the jacket's sleeve. These hints must draw your attention to this man. Usually such man hides his true self behind the mask on purpose and waits for a shrewd princess. They like girls with good intuition and ability to think logically. If you manage to crack such a man, you will get a very nice surprise.

The way a person is dressed at home does matter. It is important whether he needs to change his clothes once he comes home. Does he have decent home clothes, which he can wear to meet his guests or to go downstairs to pick up his mail? Or is a bathrobe the only thing he wears at home?

When there are no distinct bounds between home and outside world it means that person's psyche is resistant to irritants. Changing into home clothes is a psychological ritual of transition from working activity to relaxation. If it does not happen it shows the inability to switch from one thing to another. Besides, it is a sign of restraint to a certain extent.

If he permits himself to run around the house in his boxers then you are lucky. Such men make you feel right at home. The most important is to reach this stage of mutual trust.

The manner of tucking shirt in trousers shows what kind of relationship a man has with the outside world. If he leaves a crease on the back this means he is very reliable. He knows what he is doing and his actions are rarely spontaneous or crack-headed.

Those who like creases at the sides are usually very infantile and naпve. They are open, and offending them is not fair. If you go out with such man, think twice. His instinct of self-preservation works poorly. He falls in love deeply, loves affectionately and suffers desperately.

If the side seams of a man's shirt are displaced to the front, this man likes immediate effect and attractive perspectives. He unconsciously plays to the gallery and is looking for popularity and recognition. He does not need to be firm on the ground and does not seek any guarantees. On the one hand, it is very convenient, if you are able to devote much of your attention to him. However, it is dangerous to fall in love with him, because his inner life may turn out to be not so attractive. 

Cold season is not the best time to test the following rule. Those who like polo necks, turtleneck sweaters and scarves are a separate category of men. It may also include men who are buttoned up to their neck. It is logical that such behavior is a characteristic of reserved man. However, it is not so simple as it may seem. Such men get accustomed to social norms easily and they will never make you blush when you go out. Controlling oneself is a sign of manliness.

The funniest trifle is a habit of fastening shoelaces. If he makes two loops and then interlaces them with a simple knot, do not try to tell him about women's intuition and unexplainable feelings. Such men ignore everything irrational and accidental. If he starts with one loop and makes the second afterwards then he suspects all the women of being witches a little. 

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Author`s name Olga Savka