After twenty years of marriage partners may still have wonderful sex

Remember fairy tales of your childhood? All of them end in marriages but none begins from a marriage. Does it mean that our predecessors give us a hint that there may be nothing fabulous about marriage? When married, partners suddenly realize that their relations are getting more ordinary and less fabulous with every past day, and this particularly concerns sex.

When a couple begins to live together their sexual relations are the issue they worry about less than ever. And this is quite clear as in this very period they have sex regularly and are absolutely ecstatic about each other. Indeed, when young people get married in their rather young age they still have no stable social status or great fortunes. Their steady potency is their only property. When officially married, young people have more comfortable conditions for regular sex and enjoy the opportunity. In other words, the first year of marriage is the period when partners learn to live in harmony with each other and study each other’s sexual peculiarities.

Read more on the subject: Sex: the ultimate joy of living

The second year of marriage is called the period of tenderness. Partners get more emancipated as they know and understand more about each other. This is in fact the gold period of any marriage as infatuation develops into a calmer wonderful feeling, love. At the same time, absolute emancipation is not always good for sexual relations. People often reveal their bad habits and their everyday cohabitation sometimes proves to be not really erotic.

It was long ago that scientists arrived at a conclusion that human passion for some other human being does not last longer than three years. Sociologists state that two of three marriages break up in three years. In fact, the procedure of divorce cannot be avoided if partners have nothing in common but passion.

Sexual relations in the fifth year of marriage is the best indicator of partners’ ability to live together. Sex is an essential part of relations between two people. If a couple has no issues to discuss and seldom even glance at each other, it is unlikely that they have good sex.

Sociologists arrived at a conclusion that a majority of couples who live together for five years start love affairs with the only purpose they consider to be good. They just want to shake up their sexual relations with the steady partner. They do not at all want to break up with their husbands or wives. New romance is a way to solve their sexual problems with the steady partner. And experts state that partners should begin improvement of their relations with having common hobbies and travels together. It is not correct to expect that more efforts and energy in bed may make everyday relations between partners better. When partners add something interesting and new to their life their sexual relations will quite naturally get better.

Sex between partners married for ten years gets seriously transformed. Scientists have determined that ten years is a great period of human life when people feel that the limits of their erogenous zones are seriously changed and the organism has a different reaction to sexual irritants. Remember that partners may also put on some weight within the period and their figures may get less attractive for some reason. The quality and amount of sex will directly depend upon the ways and methods you choose to conquer your partner for the second time after ten years of marriage.

It often happens that after twenty years of marriage people care about sex less than ever. Indeed, partners grow much older. Doctors say that at this age men have less testosterone in blood and women go through a menopause which quite naturally makes sex less important. However, there are some people who have high levels of testosterone even in the very old age and their feelings towards partners are still vivid. These are as a rule active people who take much care of their physical health and form. We know that such people may become mothers and fathers in a rather mature age.

Partners should remember that time will not destroy their sexual relations if they do not want it. It is important for partners to make their everyday life interesting and their relations with partners special. Those who fall in love with their spouse several times again and again during the life never say that their sexual relations are exhausted and boring.

Psychologist from the Institute of Team and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy Maria Fyodorova says that just married couples must not be deceived with the popular myth saying that in case partners love each other their sexual relations will develop automatically and they do not need any efforts to improve them. This opinion is really misleading for a majority of couples. The need of intimate contacts with a partner and its frequency may vary in the course of time. It is a serious test for couples and their sexual relations when they have the first baby. Mother devotes much time and care to the baby and husband feels abandoned. It is important to be brave to go through the period. A marriage is not an alliance concluded once and for all. It is a changeable, contradictory process that requires much care. And sexual relations in this case are the wonderful indicator of partners’ relations in the family.

Moskovsky Komsomolets

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov