Laser-boy sees people's illnesses in the mirror

The boy says that when he takes a look at someone's reflection in the mirror, he can see a map of the person's aura in it

Eleven-year-old boy, Rafael Batyrov, from the republic of Bashkiria, can see other people's illnesses in the mirror. The young healer is a small freckled boy with a charming smile. Rafael hardly knows a word in Russian.

”I discovered my gift about a year ago, in March. My father was reading an article about a person, who could see people through. I told him that I could do the same too. I asked my dad to sit in front of a mirror, and then I just enumerated all his illnesses one after another,” Rafael said.

The boy's father was an ardent smoker – he has been smoking for more than 30 years. Rafael read out a prayer to a can of tap water and gave it to his father. The man drank the water the quit smoking the same day. The miraculous water became a great help to a hopeless alcoholic too. The father took his son to a local hospital in order to have his gift either proved or denied from the scientific point of view. Needless to say that nobody wanted to listen to them: one of the doctors wondered, if the boy ever visited a psychiatrist. 

The boy and his parents still want to be given a weighty opinion about the young healer's talent. The laser-boy says that when he takes a look at a person's reflection in the mirror, he can see something like a map of the person's aura in it. The bad energy is accumulated in the places, where the reflection is darker. A dark place indicates the location of a sick organ, the boy says. Rafael could only point out a sick spot at first, although he can give quite comprehensive diagnoses now.

The 11-year-old boy has a Bible, a Quran, the prophecies of Nostradamus and medical reference books on his bookshelf. Rafael does not eat meat or dairy products at all. He does not recommend his patients to eat pork either.

Rasima Batyrov, the mother of the unique boy, is a teacher at elementary school, where her son studies too. “Rafael has already cured several of our teachers. Even the headmaster came to see my son,” the woman said.

”I did not feel comfortable about asking one of my students for help. I am friends with his mother, so she invited me to come to their house one day. I was suffering from highmoritis. I was operated on two years ago – doctors removed polipuses from the maxillary sinus. Rafael did not know anything about it. When Rafael looked at my reflection in the mirror, he diagnosed my illness at once. He also said that I had to take care of my stomach and throat. He started treating me at once: he was moving his hands from my shoulders to my knees, without even touching my clothes,” Raila Khabiubllina, a teacher from Rafael's school said.

Lines of people stand near the Batyrovs' house on weekends. The boy saw up to 20 people daily in summer – the people were complaining of kidney diseases. The boy does not work with people over 50 years of age – it is too hard for a child.

Extrasensory individuals believe that they have to exercise their outstanding abilities not to let them fade away. Rafael tries to help people as much as he can. “I have already given interviews to a lot of newspapers. Now we have too many people coming over to our house. People come to our place from all over Bashkiria, not to mention other republics. It is rather hard for me to work with each and everyone of them. I need to have time for my studies too,” the boy sighs.

The boy is a straight-A student at school. Biology is his favorite subject, which is followed with mathematics, history and physical training. Rafael dreams to have a medical education, and to become an extrasensory specialist.

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Author`s name Olga Savka