Gamblers ready to sell their souls to the devil being addicted to easy money

Hoping to gain many gamblers loose their families and lives

No matter how much money a gambler has this sum is still not enough for them, it is a proven fact. Gambling is the only way to get quick cash. And at the same time it is the easiest way to lose everything in an instant.

Famous Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote to his wife: “Dear Anna, what a beast I am! Yesterday I gained 1,300 francs but I’ve lost everything and have nothing today!” The writer missed his train because a servant did not awaken him in time. To kill the time till the next train, Dostoyevsky went to a casino.

Russian poet Alexander Pushkin wrote that passion for betting was the strongest among other passions. Some seek pungent emotions and others just try their luck in gambling. It is a proven fact that one who at least once enjoys lucky game risks to become addicted to gambling.

Psychiatrists Viktor Khanykov from the Moscow Psychiatry Research Institute says that addiction to gambling is absolutely different from addiction to alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drug addicts take substances affecting the nervous system and entailing behavior pathologies. In gambling, the very first coming to a gambling house is the reference point. At the start beginners inevitably gain. In casinos and gambling houses staff wonderfully distinguish beginners and may somehow contribute to their first success. Every winning is a strong positive stimulus producing endorphins in the human brain.

Alcohol addicts experience similar emotions which are rather short however. The first intoxication is over rather quickly, and more alcohol will not be that exciting. So, five winnings one after another are like five separate drinks. A gambler experiences a multiple orgasm within one game. Experts say it is no wonder that the human organism wants to repeat the behavior pattern again and again. A connection between the chain of nerve cells maintaining the process intensifies very quickly. And pathological dependence on gambling develops 5-10 times quicker than alcohol addiction. It is like taking to heroin.

Some time ago 95 percent of gamblers were men, today there are many women among them. At that, these are rather women of advanced age who prefer gambling to upbringing grandchildren. At the same time, the share of gamblers under 20 is also increasing.

Psychologist Julia Molchanova from the Moscow Psychiatry Research Institute says that gamblers like to talk to gambling machines and even give names to them. They believe that some machines may be lucky and others are not. When a machine yields no winning within a long period gamblers can even beat it.

Infantile, reserved people unable to make long-run efforts are more subject to gambling addiction. The anonymous world of gambling gives these people a chance to feel relaxed, forget all burning problems of the day and no longer restrain their emotions.

At first it seems that these people have only positive values such as family security, respect towards elders, responsibility, self-discipline and success, and also wealth, priority of their own wishes, happy life, solitude and pleasure. Experts say that people addicted to gambling think practicality, honesty, discretion,wisdom, creativeness and intellectual curiosity are not valuable. They want to get to paradise through lies. Gamblers’ psychology is like that of thieves.

Unlike alcohol and drug addicts, casino haunters usually make an impression of well-mannered, successful and respectable people. They never say in public how they spend their spare time, and when it comes to light that they go to casinos the news is really shocking for others.

Dr. Viktor Khanykov tells about a patient who set himself an objective to win 60,000 rubles (over $2,000) at a gambling machine. Destiny mocked at him: the man won just 58,000 rubles and wanted to win back. In the end, the man left the gambling house having not a single ruble.

Gamblers need to win to continue their game; they reserve money just to satisfy their passion for gambling. Viktor Khanykov says that alcoholics cannot drink without end; sooner or later their organisms will reject vodka. Gambling addicted men may go home being absolutely devastated but they seldom play till nervous exhaustion. There is a pause in gambling when they have no money. In other words, gamblers are sure that they have to stop gambling right at a culmination moment when they were to sure to win. The idea that they have lost a sure winning because they had no more money for stakes makes gamblers depressed.

Majority of those who at least once made gains in gambling may become addicted to gambling. It is true that gambling business is based upon people’s disease.

Psychologist Julia Molchanova says the disease has its symptoms. A man may be called gambling addicted when he spends over 3-4 hours in a gambling hall, thinks a lot about gambling and feels extremely excited when playing. It is really hard for gamblers to stop as they usually make more new attempts to regain their money. Gambling addicts do not hesitate to deceive their relatives, and reveal no interest in career development; they will not stop gambling even when find out they have lost job. Gambling absolutely changes the personality of a man loving to play. Such people often show no interest in life, the suicide rate is very high among gamblers. So, psychologists treating gamblers first of all focus on changing their values. It is important for gambling addicts to retrieve the love and respect of the family and friends, to make their life once again happy and interesting which will be a perfect alternative to gambling.

It is believed that gambling addiction cannot be cured, but this is not quite true. Rescue of the dependence is a hard painstaking process. The result of this treatment basically depends upon relatives and close people of gambling addicted people. It is important to give gamblers no opportunity to play. Gamblers need support of the family not to feel social outcasts. Failures are inevitable when treatment of gamblers begins, but the process must not be stopped on any conditions.

Croupiers in casinos know that their gambling houses prosper thanks to people addicted to gambling. They always welcome those gambling addicts who are ready to stake all of their money.

There are 36 numbers on a roulette range that when summed up make up the magic sum of 666. May the number of the beast be a warning against gambling to those who are particularly addicted to this passion?

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov