Administrative reform sets the record

Reorganization of federal ministries which began in March, has led to rather unusual consequences. They can even provoke one to smmile. Such, for instance, was the case with reforming GosAtomNadzor (State atomic surveillance) organization. As a result, such reorganizing gave birth to a new establishment with a record long name.

Today, the new organization bears the following official name: Arkhangelsko-Nenetsky inspection department of nuclear and radioactive security of Northern European Interregional geographical region of Federal Atomic Surveillance services!
Assistant director of the above-mentioned organization Mikhail Mailov remarked in his interview with information agency “Russki Sever” (Russian North) that the primary functions of “atomic security personnel” have not been affected.”

It is also worth mentioning that the Arkhangelsko-Nenetsky department (and so on) have always been considered and still is one of the best among Russian state organizations providing nuclear and radioactive control of industrial buildings and organizations. The 20-letter department has its headquarters in the town of Severodvinsk.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov