Heroin dealer in chief


By William Edstrom

A heroin surge is shocking and awing Americans, 165,000 of who will be killed the next ten years. How does 415,000 kilograms (913,000 pounds) of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get to US each year?

Opium Wars I & II were British troops forcing farmers in India and Pakistan, colonies of Britain then, to grow opium which Brits pushed on Chinese to try to make China a colony of Britain too. In the 1980's, CIA grifters flew weapons to Contras in Nicaragua and flew crack cocaine back to the USA . The DEA did nothing to stop CIA felons from dealing crack in the USA.

CIA organized, trained and armed the Mujahideen (later re-named Taliban) to fight a 1979 Soviet invasion into Afghanistan and to push heroin on Russians. CIA contracted NLC trucks to send weapons through Pakistan to Afghanistan and to bring heroin back. After Soviet withdrawal, Taliban took control of Afghanistan's government.

Afghans (who earn $55 a month on average), given choices between starving, freezing or growing opium they get pennies a pound for, often choose the latter. The Taliban outlawed opium in 2000. Afghan opium farmland decreased from 91,000 hectares (1999) to 7,600 hectares (2001).

Why did US invade Afghanistan in 2001? Iraq was invaded because Bush, Rumsfeld etc. claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Which was a lie. Another reason, Bush gets bored by peace. (Satan also gets bored by peace if I'm recalling my Sunday School classes correctly.)

September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists (15 Saudi Arabians, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 Egyptian and 1 Lebanese) killed 2,977 people by crashing hijacked airplanes in US. The terrorists got their training at Huffman Aviation flight school in Florida. Government officials decided to attack, not Saudi Arabia where most terrorists come from, but Afghanistan. Why? The government narrative has been sketchy.

Afghanistan became the #1 worldwide producer of opium and heroin by 1995. The CIA created Taliban government exported opium and heroin to Iran, Russia and China addicting millions, causing enormous economic damages, heroin-fueled crime waves plus deadly epidemics (AIDS, Hepatitis C).

Have CIA officers recruited agents in Iran, Russia or China? Is it easier to recruit heroin addicts? Would CIA officers dangling taxpayers cash or heroin at addicts help to make them agents? US schools are mandated for 13 years, when we learn things like cause, effect, motives, means, logic, reasoning, deductive reasoning. Of course it's easier to recruit addicts. Why not recruit sober agents instead, is it because sober people are not interested in working for the US government.

Afghanistan, source of 90% of Earth's heroin, ended 90% of Earth's heroin problems when Taliban outlawed opium in 2000. The reason for War in Afghanistan was because Taliban outlawed opium growing which ended economic wars (opium wars) against Iran, Russia and China.

The world's heroin market collapsed by 2001, producing a heroin drought. War in Afghanistan was "to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historic levels and exert direct control over the drug routes.". The Afghanistan War was CIA retaliation against Taliban for outlawing opium.

There's a tactic called 'flatten tire fix tire.' Pop someone's car tire then appear to "help" when the flat's discovered. Clever huh? A more evil variant of 'flatten tire fix tire' is hooking people on drugs, then appearing, cash or drugs in hand, when users need a fix.

More evil, physically torturing innocent people causing severe chronic pain (e.g. forcing innocent people to sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands cuffed behind their backs, banging their heads to the floor, repeatedly, snapping spines), then dangling painkillers until they become addicted, needing painkillers for chronic pain caused by US government-sponsored torture. There're many layers to the onion which is opium war being waged.

Brits waged old school opium war, US government's waging opium war now. 90% of Earth's heroin comes from occupied Afghanistan. US government's been occupying Afghanistan since 2001.

When investigating serious crimes, like heroin dealing killing 165,000 Americans a decade, means and motives are revealing. US military and CIA had the means to overturn Taliban's opium ban (which they did) and transport tons of heroin into US each week. Motives point to whodunit, who's transporting this heroin into US to kill 165,000 Americans.

A Revolutionary War was fought for rights like taxation with representation. Trillions were spent on War in Afghanistan because Taliban outlawed opium. 2,372 US Soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Thousands of Veterans committed suicide. Hundreds of thousands became disabled. Secret police agencies not saying what's what means we don't have taxation with representation. Again.


Can Americans have democracy, a nationwide ballot referendum to vote if we want to wage opium war against others and against US? Tens of millions of innocent lives were destroyed because of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan. The War in Afghanistan began as an opium war against Iran, Russia and China, the tables are turning into an opium war against Americans on track to kill 165,000 Americans (2016-2026).

Americans, 5% of Earth's population, take 60% of painkillers on Earth. USA #1 for heroin addiction now too. US government and corporate executives are waging opium war. Against US. Americans are the most drugged people on Earth.

US government installed Hamid Karzai, CIA agent, as Afghanistan's President in 2002 to restore the drug trade. Ahmed Wali Karzai, heroin dealer, was Hamid's brother. "The Afghan narcotics economy was a carefully designed project of the CIA". "A convicted heroin trafficker, Izzatullah Wasifi, was appointed by Karzai to head an anti-corruption agency." US government made Afghanistan into a narco state. By 2006, LA Times reported Afghan heroin flooding in, but wouldn't investigate how. 1,000,000 people worldwide have been killed by heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan.

189,000 Americans were heroin addicts in 2001. White House reported 1,500,000 US heroin addicts by 2010. That figure shot up (2010-2015) to 2,500,000 heroin addicts.

Afghan opium spread from 7,600 hectares (2001) to 224,000 hectares (2014). US heroin deaths skyrocketed 1,779 (2001) to 10,574 (2014) and are on track to hit 16,500 in 2016.

Year # Afghan opium hectares # US heroin addicts # US heroin deaths


# hectares of Afghan opium grown

# US heroin addicts

# US heroin deaths










































































Click for pictures of US soldiers guarding Afghan opium.

2,500,000 heroin addicts plus 2,000,000 casual heroin users means 1/70 Americans use heroin. Crime waves are surging, ruining families and neighborhoods, shocking and awing victims being robbed and sometimes killed by addicts craving another piece of heroin pie from US-occupied Afghanistan.

Hepatitis C, a deadly virus, is surging; users share needles. Sovaldi, a Gilead Biosciences drug, costing $84,000, cures Hep C. 200,000 users catching Hep C annually means $16,500,000,000 added profit for Gilead Biosciences annually. Donald Rumsfeld was Gilead Biosciences CEO before becoming Secretary of Defense in 2001.

Pure heroin costs $450/gram in the USA. Regular users take 400 mg daily, light users as little as 25 mg, heavy users a few grams. 1,000 Americans try heroin their first time every day.

224,000 hectares of Afghan opium can make 560,000 kilograms of heroin annually. $450/gram x 1,000 x 560,000 equals $252,000,000,000 cold hard cash annually. $252,000,000,000 makes the fattest 6-figure gravy train government salary look like chump change. $252 billion annually dealing heroin could supplement CIA's Congressional financing (or be Plan B for CIA financing).

52,833 US heroin deaths occurred (2001-2014). US heroin deaths quadrupled (2002-2013), doubling from 2010 to 2013, and are slated to double again (2013-2016). Heroin deaths will kill 165,000 Americans (2016-2026). Plus thousands more from heroin-related diseases and heroin-fueled robberies and home invasions. $252 billion from Afghan heroin is blood money, your hands are covered in blood.

In 2013, an American died every 64 minutes from heroin, now, an American dies every 32 minutes. Americans being killed at a rate of 165,000 per decade by Afghan heroin is triple the 55,000 Americans killed in the Vietnam War (1965-1975).

Government officials, claiming War in Afghanistan was somehow supposed to make us safer against terrorism, which killed 2,977, need to answer how is killing 165,000 Americans saving 2,977Americans?

2,500,000 US addicts x 0.4 grams daily x 365 days/year equals 365,000 kilograms. Light users take 50,000 kilograms annually. US heroin demand is 415,000 kilograms annually. 166,000 hectares of opium are needed to make 415,000 kilograms of heroin. 1 hectare = 25 kilograms opium = 2.5 kilograms heroin.

DEA's 2015 Heroin Threat Assessment focuses on 7% of US heroin from Latin America. Why's DEA focusing on only 7%? Why's DEA silent, dead silent, about the other 93%? They don't want to upset the Afghan heroin cart.

(Approximately 3% comes from Southeast Asia or synthetic sources.)

Why are DEA bosses (tacitly) approving 90% of heroin in US from US-occupied Afghanistan? How high up in government does this heroin dealing racket go? Why did DEA do nothing (1980's) to combat crack cocaine from Latin America flown into USA on CIA planes? DEA hasn't been held accountable, while CIA grifters made billions dealing crack in US. The Treasury Department, another finger of the same glove, did nothing about billions in tax-free cash made by CIA felons. Tax evasion is a felony too. No red flags when CIA officers get megabucks in excess of their government salaries?

$252 billion a year worth of Afghan heroin is big business blood money. Overdoses are 40x more likely from heroin than other illicit drugs like cocaine; overdoses are 3x more likely from heroin than from pharmaceutical painkillers. If heroin users switched to pharmaceuticals, 110,000 Americans would be saved each decade. A restoration of the Taliban government in Afghanistan would end Afghan opium production, the heroin epidemic would end, and 165,000 Americans would be saved each decade.

Could US heroin come from anywhere but US-occupied Afghanistan? No. The small fraction of heroin from places like Myanmar and Mexico isn't enough to feed the American heroin appetite. The White House declared 10,500 hectares of opium in Mexico and 1,100 hectares in Colombia produces 28,000 kilograms of heroin annually. The most USA can import from Latin America is 28,000 kilograms, not enough for 1/10 of US heroin addicts. The White House omitted mention of 224,000 hectares of Afghan opium.

Only one country on Earth, US-occupied Afghanistan, grows enough opium to supply the American heroin habit. Current facts and figures about countries growing illicit opium:




Amount of opium grown in hectares

Amount of heroin that can make in kilograms

Amount of heroin that can make in pounds


































































All countries growing illicit opium, other than US-occupied Afghanistan, can produce 198,000 kilograms of heroin, not enough for even half of US heroin demand. Of these 198,000 kilograms, Vietnam, China, Pakistan and Iran's opium is exclusively for domestic consumption. The balance, 192,000 kilograms, that can come from Myanmar, Laos, Mexico, Colombia and Tajikistan, mostly goes to Asian, Latin American, Australian and European markets.

Most heroin in the US comes from US-occupied Afghanistan, there is no other physical possibility to explain where all this heroin comes from. There is no other mathematical possibility to explain where all this heroin comes from.

62% of Afghans are illiterate. There are no Afghan chemical factories. Acetic anhydride, needed to make heroin, is imported. Stopping imports of acetic anhydride stops the manufacturing of heroin. US government enabled (or facilitated) acetic anhydride imports. Who's selling? Who's buying? Purchase records exist.

US methaqualone (Quaalude) deaths dropped from 117 (1980) to 0 (1990). A Presidential scandal predated methaqualone's ban, when Dr. Bourne, White House Drug Abuse Adviser, wrote a Quaalude prescription for a White House Assistant. This drug scandal may have cost Democrats the White House in 1980. The success in outlawing methaqualone was outlawing chemicals to manufacture methaqualone. Likewise, acetic anhydride can be outlawed.

Indisputable facts: US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, has occupied Afghanistan since, Afghan opium spread from 7,600 hectares (2001) to 224,000 hectares currently, US-occupied Afghanistan is by far the #1 heroin producer worldwide, the Afghanistan War (longest war in US history) cost over a million lives, a trillion dollars and has destroyed tens of millions of lives.

How does heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get to US? The simplest and fastest way is airplane. US military and CIA-chartered airplanes fly from US-occupied Afghanistan to US every week. People getting on military and CIA planes aren't searched. People getting off military and CIA planes aren't searched. It's a simple matter of will if military and CIA people wish to bring heroin to US. They've gotten Hail Mary passes.


A CIA source confirmed CIA "big boys" are transporting heroin from Afghanistan to the USA. Before 2009, CIA heroin shipments were smaller and more sporadic. After 2009, CIA heroin shipments into the US were "green lighted" becoming larger and more regular.

Since 2010, US policy permits opium growing. Each Afghan opium hectare equals 15 US heroin addicts plus 1 American heroin death each decade. Kalitta and Aero are but two contractors which have routinely flown from US-occupied Afghanistan to US.

CIA people are not serving and protecting US. CIA people serve and protect themselves. Only. There are no checks and balances on intel agencies, they're military or paramilitary ("just following orders") and they repeat "national security" to try to ward off oversight and effective checks and balances.

CIA people were arrested burglarizing and bugging Democratic Party Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel to fix the 1972 Presidential elections. CIA people try fixing elections and picking politicians worldwide, US included. One Watergate burglar, Hunt, was involved with President Kennedy's murder in 1963, when CIA did a coup in the USA.

Congressional hearings then oversight committees, with limited power, began after Watergate. Former Senate Intelligence Oversight Chair Rockefeller lamented "I only get what they want to give me". Senator Moynihan introduced legislation to abolish CIA in 1991 and 1995, because CIA, a lawless secret police agency, means a US secret police state. CIA is incompatible with free democracy. Former Secretary of State Acheson warned about CIA, "I had the gravest forebodings about this organization and warned the President that as set up neither he, the National Security Council, nor anyone else would be in a position to know what it was doing or to control it."

The list of who has the means to transport tons of Afghan heroin to US each week is a short list. Military and CIA.

US military may transport heroin, although there's no large-scale history of military transporting drugs. CIA has a history dealing drugs. CIA smuggled heroin (1970's) in Soldier body bags from Vietnam. Much of the heroin flooding into US from US-occupied Afghanistan is coming in with CIA felons on CIA aircraft just as much of the cocaine that came into US from Nicaragua came in with CIA felons on CIA aircraft (1980's).

The President is responsible for CIA. The buck stops with Obama for 35,470 US heroin deaths (2009-2014) and all crimes committed by CIA since 2009.

CIA has a history of harming, harassing, swarming, blackmailing, blacklisting, assaulting, murdering, poisoning, committing felonies, drug dealing, torturing, menacing, terrorizing, experimenting on people and worse. CIA's been on a mass murder spree since before MLK's murder. CIA is a cult of death. They're thugs and killers.

CIA is an organization of grifters, professional con men and con women. 90% of CIA officers are in USA. Few CIA officers go abroad, unless there's something like billions of dollars in heroin ready to deal. CIA people are psychopaths, thieves, prostitutes, pimps, sex traffickers, drug dealers, mass murderers and worse. They feel no remorse, psychopaths don't have the capacity to feel remorse for their crimes. They fear getting busted and punished for their crimes. CIA people make national insecurity. They make more money and get more power for each new national insecurity and each new enemy they make.

To figure out whodunit, dealing millions of pounds of Afghan heroin to kill 165,000 Americans a decade, means and motives are key. Military and CIA foxes guarding the opium house are prime suspects. CIA people are grifters, they grift, lie, deceive, omit truth, con, trick, cheat, sexually assault, attempt to rape, rape, forced bestiality, promote prostitution, sex traffic, attempt to murder, murder, serial kill, mass murder, rob, steal, terrorize, menace, gang stalk, brutalize, torture, blacklist, blackmail, experiment on people, deal drugs and worse. What else does CIA smuggle besides drugs, anyone or anything can be smuggled on drug routes. CIA felons smuggled kilos of heroin from Vietnam to US (1970's) in Soldier's body bags. CIA felons make money dealing drugs. CIA dealing tons of crack cocaine in the USA (1980's) was a dry run for CIA dealing thousands of tons of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan (2001-present).

Is military dealing heroin too? Only way to find out is honest law enforcement monitoring and searching government people, planes and ships. State police maybe better suited since DEA has a history approving CIA drug dealing in USA, DEA's been busy at sex parties, FBI approved millions of CIA felonies (1947-present) and often ganged up with CIA to harass, harm, terrorize, brutalize, blacklist, blackmail, torture (and worse) journalists, whistleblowers, candidates, dissidents, activists, clergy and a whole host of other Americans, MLK to present.

If investigated, CIA would take evasive measures like 3 card montes transferring heroin plane to plane (or ship) in transit. Some Afghan heroin is already routed through Mexico. CIA agent John Abbotsford stated "We run the Afghan opium trade." Afghan heroin dealer Toor Jan described how heroin's sold to government translators to government officials who ship heroin on government planes from Kandahar's Military Airbase.

After 14 years of occupation, investigators can begin searching government people, planes and vessels and can monitor opium seedlings to heroin in transit. All that's needed is honest enough investigators. Has the USA become too much of a Pablo Escobar-Scarface banana republic to accomplish that?

General Martinez took down Escobar's cartel. People, like Martinez, can take down the CIA drug cartel the way Escobar's cartel was taken down. If only a few hundred CIA "bad apples" deal heroin then there should be no problem. Afghanistan's government in 2000 outlawed opium and within a year it was all but gone. Why can't US and US "supported" Afghan government do the same now? How high up are heroin dealing profits going in US government?

Commander in Chief Obama can conduct full investigations and thorough monitoring of military and CIA. Or Obama can do nothing and have a legacy as Heroin Dealer In Chief.

Government people claiming American lives so sacred, using scare tactics and terror tactics to scare and terrorize us that a secret police state must be constructed, trillions in more taxes spent plus endless war to save 2,977American lives from ever again being killed in terrorist attacks, their claims are obvious lies and hypocrisy if they do nothing about 165,000 Americans being killed by heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan.

US government (DEA, FBI) protects CIA drug dealers and goes after their competitors (non-CIA dealers) gangster style. ISIS now deals some Afghan heroin. CIA, unable to win hearts and minds anywhere, lost some of it's Afghan heroin trade to ISIS.

"Obama singlehandedly controls the world's largest known drug manufacturing, transporting and distribution network and Obama's Central Intelligence Agency has an over 50 year long association with being the most powerful and dangerous global drug cartel."

War in Afghanistan killed 2,372 Soldiers, many Veterans and 52,833 Americans from heroin (2001-2014). By transporting heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan to US, CIA's not protecting Americans, they're doing the opposite of protecting. CIA killed 55,105 Americans and destroyed millions of lives, so far, because of the Afghanistan War.

The buck stops with US Chief Executive Obama for what people working for CIA, an executive agency, have done since 2009. Every count of sex trafficking, promotion of prostitution, attempted rape, rape (raping underage boys on US bases), assault, murder, torture, US government sponsored terrorism, drug dealing, all crimes committed or caused by CIA are because of Obama's actions or negligence. Stop the crimes. Enough is enough. Stop it already.

Obama's mother worked in Indonesia, a CIA battleground in the seemingly endless war on communism, where millions of innocent people were murdered. Some say she was CIA, she stated she did charity work for charities like the Ford Foundation. Obama worked at a known CIA front company, Business International Corporation. Was Obama CIA? Putin's man enough to publicly state he was KGB, can Obama publicly state if he worked for CIA?

President Bush was CIA Director. President Bush II, son of a CIA director. If 3/4 of recent Presidents were CIA before their "elections", is CIA picking our Presidents for us (rigging ballots, sabotaging campaigns, fixing elections) like they did in 1972? Press freedom (USA #49) means looking beyond the windows (and window dressing) at who are the deep state corporate executives and unelected government officials, what they're doing, planning, why, bribes, charities, lobbyists, speech and book payments, banks laundering their money and so forth.

This report's about 2 parts of government which made war in Afghanistan (military and CIA), why (retaliation against Taliban for outlawing opium, to poison millions of innocent people with heroin and profits from a heroin dealing opium war), why Afghan opium fields expanded from 7,600 hectares to 224,000 hectares (to poison millions of innocent people with heroin, wage economic warfare and $252 billion annually dealing heroin), the explosion of heroin (from 189,000 to 2,500,000 US heroin addicts), US heroin deaths shooting up (1,779 in 2001 to 10,574 (2014) to 165,000 Americans to be killed (2016-2026)), means, motives and how heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan gets to US: CIA planes (and possibly military planes too).

What can be done: a new agency solely to investigate government criminality, outlaw Afghan opium and search government people, planes and ships. The many ineffective and corrupt people at agencies like DEA and FBI can be let go, new people with integrity can be hired. CIA can be abolished, their tasks re-assigned to State Department. State Police can assist searching people, planes, ships and investigating anyone exiting US government facilities for trafficking (drug sniffing dogs, ask questions like have you been in US-occupied Afghanistan, heroin capital of the world). Improved drug policy can reduce dealer profit motives, reduce drug impurities and inconsistencies (overdose causes), decriminalize personal possession like Portugal did and more treatment programs.

Afghan heroin killed 53,833 Americans (2001-2014). This 14-year Afghanistan War is one sick twisted and highly lethal US government failure of "keeping Americans safe." Government actions and inactions in US-occupied Afghanistan killed 55,105 Americans (Soldier and heroin deaths). Obviously, government has other motives than "keeping Americans safe." The Afghanistan War is lingering on for so long because of $252 billion cash annually from the heroin there.

Afghan heroin is on track to kill 165,000 Americans (2016-2026). In 2000, Afghanistan's government, the Taliban, outlawed opium and within a year it was all but gone. Commander In Chief Obama can do that and if he doesn't then beyond any shadow of doubt he's the Heroin Dealer In Chief.

Tons of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get into US each week. Government planes have flown un-searched every week from US-occupied Afghanistan to US (2001-present). Commander In Chief Obama can bring about effective monitoring and searching of government people, planes and ships. Stat. As if 165,000 American lives depend on that, because 165,000 American lives do depend on that. If Obama refuses to effectively monitor and search government people, planes and ships, then no doubt he's Heroin Dealer In Chief.

Obama has the blood of 35,470 Americans (heroin deaths 2009-2014) on his hands for either his willful actions "green lighting" heroin transport from US-occupied Afghanistan to US or his negligence in allowing these fatal felonies.

If this heroin epidemic coming from US-occupied Afghanistan hasn't ended by January 2017, then Obama's legacy will be Barack Hussein Obama II, Heroin Dealer In Chief. All previous drug epidemics came from drugs flooding in from sovereign nations abroad. This highly lethal opium war of a heroin epidemic is the first ever drug epidemic to invade US from a US-occupied nation, Afghanistan.

William Edstrom

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov