Master the art of low fat cooking or get fat

42773.jpegObesity stopped being a prerogative of the American population a long time ago. Medics in many European countries clutch their heads because of the literally growing population. European authorities do their best to propagandize healthy lifestyle. Even such renowned and popular chefs as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay found themselves in the line of criticism: specialists determined that their dishes were too fat and heavy.

Fat Panel scrupulously analyzed the recipes of the world-famous chefs and came to conclusion that the cooks, who have countless fans all over the world, exacerbate the problem of obesity and cardiovascular diseases with their activities.

It turns out that the cook books and food shows by the popular trendsetters contain many recipes in which saturated fat exceeded all possible norms. Jamie Oliver is an ardent supporter of healthy school dinners. He constantly says that his children do not know the taste of chips and pop. However, it seems that Mr. Oliver's words do not match his actions.

Dietitians cannot ban cook books, of course, but they strongly recommend reducing the fattiness of their dishes. Specialists believe that it would be much better for common people to cook on chefs' recipes during important holidays only.

According to the World Health Organization, from 25 to 70 percent of the adult population of Europe suffer from excessive weight and obesity. Over a third of Europeans lead sedentary lifestyle. Britain is the fattest country in Europe at present moment. The list continues with Ireland and Malta. The problem is not yet a serious one in Romania (7.9 percent), Switzerland (8.1 percent) and Italy (9.9 percent).

About 300 million people suffer from obesity in the world today, but it does not mean that they just eat a lot. Most likely, they prefer junk and microwave food instead.

It is interesting that the nourishment of the population of this or that country does not improve as a country begins to develop economically. The food in such a country becomes fattier. Excessive weight is no longer considered a sign of material wellbeing. Quite on the contrary: not all layers of the population can afford proper nutrition and fitness centers. Those who do not roll in cash prefer sandwiches, microwave stuff, pizzas and pasta - anything that is quick and simple.

As a result, people get fat and become helpless in front of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart ailments and cancer. Those living in large cities are the first in the line to obesity because of sedentary lifestyles. In India, for instance, the level of diabetes case rate in cities is twice as high as in rural areas.

Technological progress has made many people show a minimum of physical activity, which is a highly negative factor. Many spend whole days at office computers. When they come home at night, they just watch TV, drink beer and eat chips.

This is perhaps the reason why the Russian government announced the year 2011 the Year of Sport and Healthy Lifestyle. People must never forget that life is movement.

Ksenia Obraztsova

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov