Elderly Pedophile Tracked by His Grown-up Victims in Ukraine

Without any assistance from law enforcement agencies, Saint Petersburg residents tracked their former principal who was earlier suspected of pedophilia but managed to escape the responsibility. Now the pervert who practiced school sex orgies for years is active in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper wrote.

Former students found 50-year old Igor Sukharev at a gay dating website where he posted his profile. Although now the school pedophile has a different last name, Ivanov.

“I live in Mukachevo. I can’t find a decent guy here. I am hoping I can find someone in Kiev where I visit often. I don’t stay there for long but am ready to do it,” says Sukharev-Ivanov in his profile.

There are two Sukharev’s pictures on the website. One shows him in a swimming pool, the other one – in a café. The caption goes: “That’s how we are going to meet.”

It seems that the sex-scandal hero named in a much publicized criminal case is not even hiding and is not afraid of criminal prosecution.

Meanwhile, Igor Sukharev still has an ill name in School #410 located near the famous Ekaterininsky park in Pushkin. The homosexual was in charge of the school for 11 years, and was once disclosed as a dangerous pedophile.

The scandal took off when the principal gave his laptop to high school students to help them with the preparation of their graduation party. According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda, the students couldn’t help but check the content of the principal’s computer. One of the folders contained a real porn archive. On the pictures there was Sukharev accompanied by naked boys and young men.

Soon CDs with the pictures were distributed to the entire school. The students’ parents got a hold of the pictures and sent them to the prosecutor’s office.

However, the criminal case was suddenly closed, Sukharev quickly resigned and left for Mukachevo, a town in West Ukraine.

The newspaper sent official inquiries to the Saint Petersburg prosecution office and to the Prosecutor General Office of the Russian Federation. The paper demanded that they conduct an investigation, find out why the case was closed, and reopen it.

One of the principal’s former students told about the pedophile’s sex games. The details make one shudder even years later. According to the young man, who preferred to remain anonymous, almost everyone knew or suspected that Igor Sukharev was a pedophile.

The children openly discussed that the principal was gay and liked young boys. They told their parents about it, but to no effect. Only once was Sukharev visited by the father of a student who received obvious hints from the principal. But at the time, the conflict was covered up and the student just transferred to another school.

“Some kids were just transferred to other schools, but for the most part everyone turned a blind eye to the issue. Our school had a good reputation, everyone entered a University after graduation,” said a former student.

The kids had a traditional reaction to their parents’ silence – they wrote on the walls and the road “Klyopa – faggot,” “Principal – homo.” That was it.

“Klyopa is Sukharev’s nickname,” explained the former student.

The pedophile continued his work as a principal for 11 years.

He closed off the hallways and ran around naked

According to the former student, orgies in the school building were quite frequent. The principal would tell his colleagues he had a lot of work to do and that he had to stay late, but in reality he prepared for his next sex party.

The events usually occurred in his office and in the school hallways.

“Sukharev enjoyed exposing his genitals. He would close off the first floor and made me and other students walk around naked. He would walk around naked himself, too,” the young man said.

The pedophile had little shame in organizing very intimate photo sessions. “He liked to be photographed while he was screwing us,” said one of the victims.

These were the pictures that the high school students found on the principal’s laptop. According to the newspaper, it seemed like they knew what was in there; otherwise they wouldn’t have hacked the password to the protected folders.

“It always ended with sex on the floor. Sukharev used to throw a big blanket on the floor,” the boy continued. According to the student, the pedophile made the boys perform oral sex and then exchanged roles with his victims. After the children would leave, “the principal looked at the pictures on his computer and bragged about them.“

The principal was careful – he tried not to involve his students in his photo sessions. He normally used prostitute boys for those purposes. Usually the principal invited two to four boys to his orgies.

"There were school children there too, but not often,” said the boy. To make the boys more cooperative, the principal would give them alcohol.

In the daytime there were always boys in the principal’s office. He invited them under any excuse – software installation, papers filing. He would offer them coffee, tea and chocolate. He never paid for the daytime visits, but paid to his night dates.

According to the former student, the amounts varied from one to three thousand rubles.

The student suggested that bribes were an additional source of income for the principal. “They say he collected bribes for school admission, for good grades,” the boy said. The principal was given expensive presents – laptops, cameras, alcohol, colognes, gold, DVD recorders.

“Once he was showing off a thick stack on 100-dollar bills,” said the former student.

The pedophile was very active during school outings. Sukharev liked to accompany students for tours, and once, according to the student, he “put his hands of the sleeping kids’ crotch in the bus on the way home.”

Sometimes the principal accompanied children on tours abroad, for example, Paris.

The newspaper says that it is hardly possible to confirm all of the details of the boy’s story, however, there is more than enough evidence for an investigation.

“Sukharev used to call the boys he had sex with “bunny rabbits,” the victim explained. The principal used to show him pictures saying “Look at me screwing these bunny rabbits.”

When the justice tried to punish Sukharev, he hired a good attorney he consulted before his orgies.

“A fat bearded guy driving a Lexus,” the boy described. “He explained to Sukharev that the Criminal Code allows sexual contact with people over 14 years of age. Follow this rule and you have nothing to be afraid of.”

Then the age was raised to 16 years old. “Sukharev was informed about it and tried to meet only those who turned 16,” the witness added.

In 2006 the suspected pedophile fled to Ukraine and escaped punishment. The victim believes that the principal’s attorney and large sums of money helped him. In Pushkin people even state the amount – 24 thousand Euros. No one knows who received this money.

In any case, the prosecution office closed Sukharev’s case. “They had many questions for him, and then the questions suddenly disappeared,” the victim said.

Komsomolskaya Pravda

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov