Marilyn Monroe’s sex tape sold to anonymous businessman for 1.5 million dollars

The world collection of sex tapes with videos featuring such celebrities as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton has recently been added with a true rarity – the explicit video tape of Marilyn Monroe, The Huffington Post reports.

The illegal copy of the 15-minute video (classified by the FBI) was made on the 16 mm film. The footage showing the legendary actress performing oral sex on an unidentified man was sold to a businessman from New York for 1.5 million dollars. A well-known collector Keya Morgan found and sold the tape.

The name of the buyer has not been exposed. It was only said that it was a wealthy businessman residing in Manhattan. The new owner of the Marilyn Monroe sex tape said that he was not going to reveal the video to the public and would keep it in his home collection.

The video was originally sold by the son of a now-deceased FBI informant, who apparently spied on the legendary star.

The video was supposedly made in the 1950s. The first piece of information about the tape appeared in the middle of the 1960s. Then FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, orders his best agents to study the tape to prove Marilyn Monroe’s love affairs with either John Kennedy or his brother Robert Kennedy. However , the research was done to no effect.

The silent black and white video shows Marilyn Monroe kneeling in front of a man the face of whom cannot be seen on the tape. The actress’s partner did not turn his head towards the camera during the entire duration of the tape. Most likely, the man was aware of the camera shooting them.

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov