Anorexic and hairy prostitutes all the rage in Moscow

Brothel owners try to attract customers with unusual novelties. Girls looking like beautiful models go out of fashion slowly but surely. Satiated with most sophisticated pleasures, moneybags are ready to pay thousands of dollars for a night with ugly prostitutes. Wealthy men are willing to pay for sex with hairy, bearded and anorexic women, reports.

Victims of anorexia enjoy the biggest demand on the sex market in Moscow nowadays. Anorexia is mainly caused by the desire to lose weight, so typical of all women, especially models. Nowadays there are dozens of brothels in New York employing the girls fired from modeling businesses for excessive thinness. A night with a barebone woman costs up to 2,000 dollars.

Prostitutes with burnt faces, broken noses, disproportionately big heads and other birth defects are extremely popular In Japan. A young girl named only as Mimiko, who has a cleft lip and a cleft palate, claims that her sex life has become much more intense after she began working as a prostitute.

In Moscow, men start to prefer women with excessive hairiness. A woman reportedly known as Fatima, a native of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, has her entire body covered with soft hair and even wears a beard. Fatima charges 500 dollars a night for such unique looks.

The woman suffers from a rare disease: she has an increased level of male hormones in her body. She would spend her life as a lonely virgin unless she became a prostitute.

Those going in for unusual sex say that prostitutes suffering from physical deformities or drawbacks welcome their every client with gratitude and show real passion in bed, which cannot be observed with other plain-looking workers of the sex industry.

Psychologists say that men with certain psychological problems are attracted by women with birth defects. As a rule, such men are shy and secluded individuals having certain difficulties in everyday communication with other people. They need to find someone weaker physically and morally to make themselves feel better. A woman with a physical defect is a perfect match for such men, whereas they will not feel any sexual desire to a woman looking like a fashion model.

The people suffering from this deviation are not to be referred to as sex maniacs. They do not cause anyone any harm. Quite on the contrary, they can make happy a woman who has been suffering from a serious lack of human attention and care before.

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Author`s name Anton Kulikov