Crime and the paranormal. Part II

Continued. Click here to read Part I of the article

At about 2 a.m. one day I was fast asleep with my dog sleeping next to me on the floor. I was suddenly thrown up in bed i.e. my body rose up about a feet while still in the prone position, and then came crashing back onto the bed. This movement awoke me instantly. I looked at my dog and found him still fast asleep. Then I heard the sound of a window being forced open. I looked at my dog again, and was amazed to find him still fast asleep. Without wasting any more time, I jumped up and switched on all the lights in the house. There was silence after this. My dog stirred and woke up drowsily- he seemed completely unaware of what was happening. I called out for my gardener who slept at the rear of the bungalow, and he came running. I told him to check the windows to see if any had been forced open. He found one. Arming ourselves we went outside together with the dog, which was now fully awake. The dog picked up a scent outside the window that had been forced, and followed it all the way to the gate of the perimeter fence of the bungalow. I did not follow the trail after this spot as it was still dark. My investment in meditation and a clean life had paid dividends.

Thieves who originated from the island of Java used, in addition to the above method, others that also involved the use of spells. No padlock could keep these robbers out of a house. When faced with a large and complicated lock that could not be prised open, they employed spells to destroy the lock. This they did by chanting some verses and then either blowing on or spitting on the lock. The lock then burst into flames and broke into little pieces and fell to the floor. Guard dogs too were of little concern to this group of robbers. There was a case in Kuala Lumpur where a lady heard one day her two dogs which were in her front yard, barking furiously at about three in the morning. They suddenly fell silent after barking for a few times. The lady looked through her first floor bedroom window and saw a small group of Indonesians disappear round a street corner. Fearing for her dogs, she rushed downstairs and found both her dogs cowering in fear in a corner. Not only did they look extremely afraid, their legs were also shaking violently. They were not poisoned however.

What I found out later was that some of these robbers could assume the form of wild animals, like tigers, for a very short while in order to frighten guard dogs. It is a well known fact that dogs, no matter from which part of the world they originated from, are terrified of tigers. This could be a trait that has been genetically passed down from time immemorial for the survival of the species. I know from experience, that dogs get rooted to the ground with their legs shaking violentlyeven if theycatch the whiff of a tiger.

The more common method of obtaining ill-gotten gains using paranormal means in Malaysia is by using a disembodied spirit. This spirit is called a 'toyol' (a good article on this can be found in Wikipedia). It would appear that toyols are only capable of robbing Muslim homes. They are unable to rob from houses whose occupants are not Muslims. Whether this was the case, or whether I was protected by my spiritual practices, here is my experience with one such creature.

In my early years in the plantations, I worked in a rubber plantation in a remote location. There was much theft of produce in the plantation, and I had to continually set up ambushes and the like to deter the thieves. This disrupted the thieves' activities quite a bit, and they wanted me out of the picture. They managed to obtain samples of my hair and nail clippings from my garbage bin and took these items to an aboriginal man. [There are a few races of aboriginals in Malaysia (e.g. The Negritos and the Senoi), who are expert at black magic]. The thieves asked this aboriginal to cast a spell on me in order that I not interfere with their operations. After trying for several days, the aboriginal informed this gang that he was unable to do so. He told them that he was unable to break through my spiritual armour. The thieves then tried using a toyol to get at me.

One morning, as I was about to leave for work, I noticed that there were numerous burnt marks on the grass of my lawn. I examined these carefully and was shocked to find that they were tiny human footprints. They started from one point at the fence, walked to all my windows, one by one, and then made their way to another part of the fence where they stopped. I called in an elderly Malay man to examine these footprints. He told me that someone had released a toyol into my compound in order to steal money from me. The toyol had tried entering the home through the windows, but failed to do so. The spirit then left the compound through another part of the fence.

The thieves tried another method to disable my policing activities. One morning I found the imprint of a hand on my door. It looked very much like the hand of a monkey dipped in used lube oil and then imprinted on my door. I ignored this and doubled my efforts of trying to catch the thieves. The overall result from all this was that theft was greatly reduced in the plantation.

The moral from these stories is this. We need not be afraid of people who threaten to harm us through paranormal means if we are spiritual and lead a clean life. Hundreds of methods (of black magic) for causing harm to others may exist, but none will work if we walk the straight and narrow.

By Carlosox

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov