Biggest Baby Ever Born Weighed 12 Kilograms

Do giant people ever make matches?
A giant baby was born at the municipal perinatal center in the Russian city of Irkutsk. The girl is 65 centimeters and her weight is 6.130 kilograms, which is twice as much as with ordinary new born babies and equals the weight of a 5-month baby. Doctors of the perinatal center say that only once a baby was born with the weight of 6 kilograms in the city, in 1972.

Does history know similar instances? Fyodor Makhnov with the height of 275 centimeters and the weight of about 180 kilograms is considered to be the tallest man who ever lived in the world. The man was born in the Belarussian city of Vitebsk in 1881. Almost all members of the Paris Anthropology Society evinced great interest in the giant's unusual physique, they wanted to examine his body thoroughly. However, Fyodor Makhnov would not get undressed for doctor examinations and only allowed to measure his feet and palms that made up 45 and about 35 centimeters correspondingly.

Anthropologists said that the man would have hardly reached average height if he were born without legs. Fyodor's head was very small for the huge body and made him look rather ridiculous; that is why the man was always wearing Cossack uniform to disguise his ridiculous looks. The man's ears were 15 centimeters long and the lips were 10 centimeters wide which was certainly impressive for his wife while kissing. That was strange but after having several days of rest Fyodor always became taller. The phenomenon was explained with the peculiar tendency of his spine to reduce because of heavy burdens. 
The giant had four meals a day like any other human, but his traditional breakfast was enough for an average family to subsist on within two days. Every morning after eight, the man ate 20 eggs, 8 round loaves of white bread with butter and drank two liters of tea. His dinner consisted of 2.5 kilograms of meat, 1 kilo of potato and three liters of beer. In the evening, the giant's meal was a bowl of fruits, 2.5 kilograms of meat, three loaves of bread and two liters of tea. Also, he ate 15 eggs, a loaf of bread and one liter of tea before going to bed. The biggest giant who ever lived on the planet died in bed in October 1905.

History also knows very tall women such as Sandy Alen who was 238 centimeters tall, Katherine Bokner with the height of 216 centimeters and Jana Bunffoord who was 236 centimeters tall and whose skeleton is exhibited at the University Museum in Birmingham. Ella Elwing was born in Missouri in 1872 and was declared America's tallest woman. The woman was 260 centimeters tall and her weight was 130 kilograms; she died in 1912 having won the reputation of a frivolous woman: men liked to stay in her bed which was 3 meters long and 1.8 meters wide. 
Sometimes giants make matches. Martin van Buren Bates was born in Kentucky on November 9, 1845. At the age of 14, the man was enlisted in the South Africa army third infantry regiment. By the age of 16, he was wounded several times and was conferred the rank of a captain. Riflemen of the enemy could easily reach the man as his height was 230 centimeters and the weight was 200 kilograms. After the war, Martin retired from the army and took up show business where he later met his wife, Anna Svan. 

Anna Svan was born in 1846 and was the third child in the family. At the age of 6 the girl was taller than her mother, 163 centimeters, and reached the maximum height at the age of 19. During  an unusual humans tour in Europe Anna met Captain Bates.

The world's tallest couple roused people's interest all over the planet, including Queen Victoria who invited Anna and Martin to the Buckingham Palace. The young couple got married surrounded by the elite of the London society on June 17, 1872. Queen Victoria presented the couple with a wonderful watch, and the bride got a gorgeous dress made of 100 meters of white satin and 50 meters of lace. In four days after the wedding ceremony, a reception was held in honor of the couple where Grand Duke Vladimir from Russia and Prince Jean from Luxemburg were present at the reception. The couple soon left for a European tour. When Anna gave birth to a baby, the baby's weight was 9 kilograms and height was 70 centimeters, but unfortunately it soon died.
Later, when Anna and Bates quitted show business they bought a farm in Ohio. They built an 18-room house of their own where the ceilings were 4.25 meters high and door-posts reached 360 centimeters. All furniture in the house was made to order. For instance, the bed of the giants was 340 centimeters long and 210 centimeters wide.  
Anna became pregnant once again in 1878, and the labor began on June 18, 1879. Martin sent for a doctor, and the latter experienced a severe shock when he saw the patient. At first, about 20 liters of water came off and then a huge head of a baby appeared. Unfortunately, the baby got stuck inside and the doctor had to call for an expert who arrived in 24 hours. It took him much effort to extract the baby from the mother's womb with the help of tongs and to deliver the woman from sufferings. The biggest new-born baby weighed 12 kilograms and its height was 85 centimeters. Unfortunately, the baby did not survive the hard delivery.
Anna Svan died of heart disease at the age of 42 on October 5, 1888. Martin ordered a coffin for his wife in Cleveland, but the coffin maker thought the measurements he received were a mistake and made an ordinary size coffin. That delayed funeral for several days. To avoid similar mistakes in the future, Martin ordered a special coffin for himself and kept it in a shed until his death.

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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey