Mysteries of lost civilizations

There are numerous examples of fascinating knowledge of ancient scientists in various fields that continue to mesmerize present day researchers.

History reveals many instances when some discoveries surpassed their times. Such, for instance, was the case with a scientist named Schwerter (1636) who provided a detailed account of the main principle of telegraphy in his book “Mathematical and Technical Fun”. He wrote “such is the method which enables communication between two distant parties by means of a magnetized needle.” The first telegraph was created only 200 years later.  

There are numerous examples of fascinating knowledge of ancient scientists in various fields that continue to mesmerize present day researchers. One of the most bewildering puzzles that scientists face nowadays deals with construction of Egyptian pyramids. Each bloc of the famous Egyptian pyramid of Heops weighs 15-100 tons. Ceiling of the king's bedroom is made of a monolithic layer of red granite, which weighs 70 tons. Each one of those granite bloc is matched with extreme accuracy. Egyptian level of precision of dealing with such heavyweight stones exceeded that of modern day construction workers who work with blocs 300 times lighter by 10 times.

French historians claim that transportation of a tomb stone from a sanctuary in Luxor to Paris has lasted for about two months. The transportation began in 1835. Numerous amount of people participated in the process and a chief engineer had tons of issues to deal with. This stone however was way lighter than those massive blocs which make up the pyramid.

Just as this tomb stone appears tiny in comparison with monoliths comprising the pyramids, so do these monoliths appear diminutive when compared to the stone clods in Machu Picchu and Saksahu-Amane in Peru. Each one of those stone giants is six meters long and three meters wide. Each one of them is ideally placed next to each other. The level of precision is so stunning that according to American scientist Siegfried Hunter one can hardly believe it was created by humans 500 years ago.

Peruvian stone blocs do not appear huge if compared to the gigantic slabs used in construction of a temple in Baalbek, on the territory of modern Lebanon. Some of the monoliths in its foundation weigh up to 750 tons. According to various historical and archaeological accounts, people who constructed those buildings were completely unaware of concrete and wheelbarrows. Therefore, it remains a mystery as to how those people managed to transport those massive stone blocs from quarries and then neatly placed them next to each other. Nobody can provide a logical explanation of such phenomenon.

Sometime ago, Soviet scientist M.M. Agrest PhD. made an assumption on the pages of “Literary newspaper” concerning the process of construction of the famous Baalbek temple. He claimed that the sanctuary had been constructed by aliens. The temples spacious interior in turn served as their launching site. According to the scientist, a series of fragments from the Bible as well as excerpts from a manuscript discovered in 1947 on the Western shore of the Red sea proof his hypothesis. In addition, Agrest's theory correlates with another revolutionary discovery made by Soviet scientist A. P. Kazantsev in Peru. The latter discovered cave paintings vividly depicting mysterious engines or space ships. There is also a possibility that those gigantic constructions in Egypt and Lebanon and other places worldwide are somehow connected.

There also exist other gigantic constructions in various parts of the world. First of all, it is Stonehenge in England. It is nearly 4000 year old. According to the recent analysis, this megalithic monument, comprised of several hundreds of stone blocs of various sizes represents a unique astrological observatory. The stone blocs weigh almost 30 tons. Some of them had to be transported from a distance of 400 kilometers. Afterwards, each bloc had to be neatly trimmed and erected in a precise place. Scientists are perfectly aware of those people who used to inhabit the area in the past. They are also aware of the fact that neither one of those individuals was capable enough to construct something of this complexity. Besides, the level of their overall development was not advanced. People did not need an observatory. So who did build it then? What for? Using what kind of technology?

Here is another mystery that continues to puzzle people. In 1772 Dutch seafarer Jacob Roggewen discovered a small island at the Eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, which he had later named Easter island. In the distant past, the overall population of the island could not have exceeded 2-3,000 people. Easter Island consists mainly of badlands and based on several examinations, it appears as though not a single tree has ever grown in the region. Therefore, it remains unclear how could islanders transport massive stone blocs for their famous monuments known as “moai”. They surely could not have used any wooden roller bearings for “moai” transportation. So how were they transported?

Upon the first arrival of missioners to the island, they found numerous tablets with hieroglyphs lying next to some statues. It is said, that some of the tablets have been destroyed, while some have been sent to Vatican, where they can still be found today. Ethnologists were able to decipher some of the tablets. The legend tells of a white race which descended from the sky. However, it is still unclear whether these legends have anything in common with the statues.

There is also a significant amount of publications dedicated to Nazca paintings located in the south-western part of Peru and visible only from above. Famous scientist Masson is certain that one must have been given precise directions from above in order to do those paintings.

Indian ancient sacred books “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata”, for instance, talk about extraterrestrial creatures “sons of the Moon and the Sun” arriving to the Earth. These books also mention battles which were fought by means of, what appears to be, atomic power. Both texts are more than 2000 years old. However, each one of them lists events that had taken place 20-30 years ago. Both “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata” describe oval-shaped flying objects which used mercury as fuel. Interestingly, the idea of mercury fueled flying machines has been discussed at an International Congress in Paris in 1959. The books also provide detailed accounts of bomb explosions which “destroyed entire cities and created sparks of light equivalent to 100,000 suns.”  

Here is another puzzle. In late 50s of past century, Soviet, American and Indian scientists arrived to the conclusion that about 10,000 years ago ancestors of today’s Eskimos had inhabited the territory of modern-day mid Asia, Mongolia and Ceylon. They did not migrate to Greenland until much later. It also appears that their migration was rather sudden. Why? What caused those people to abandon their settlements and pursue the “end of the world?” Not a single scientist is capable of providing a logical explanation to such mystery so far. Eskimo folklore is rich with legends. Some of those legends talk about iron birds which transported their ancestors to the North.

These puzzles represent just a small part of existing mysteries. Scientists continue unveiling the greatest mysteries.


Vadim Ilyin

Source: UFO #42, 2002

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov